Thursday, January 27, 2005

A Story for You

Instead of my usual scintillating article, I decided to write a little story for you this week, dear Readers. Thanks for all your encouraging letters, by the way; much appreciated.

Cadfael Joshua had had a long day and was on his way to the corner store to get some milk. It was unusually quiet. The usual dog guardians, clutching their white plastic doggy-doo bags, were nowhere to be seen. A brisk wind clutched at his legs with the promise of a cool night and a free sample of winter from the snow on the nearby mountains. A few drops of rain plopped onto his Respect hat.

Suddenly, a swift black shadow introduced a bulky, unshaven lout who lunged at Cadfael – it was Weariness, brandishing a huge Fatigue stick over his hatless head of unruly hair. Cadfael reacted automatically with an Energy kick at the brute’s kneecap. Almost instantly, Worry moved in from the shadows with an automatic Fear, pointing directly at Cadfael, who whipped out a Self Confidence and knocked the weapon to the ground. Then he punched him out with a Tenacity. Two against one, but he was winning. He whirled around to see Weariness had extracted a concealed Guilt from his belt and was moving in fast. What now?

Without a second thought, Cadfael delivered a Self Esteem that knocked his opponent right off his feet, just as Worry heaved himself off the ground and was now approaching with the largest Self Doubt Cadfael had ever seen. Our Hero grabbed his faithful Self-reliance and fired three Beliefs right into Worry’s bewildered face. Only Weariness was left, who was lumbering forward wielding a shiny and sharp Laziness, switching it between hands, laughing and ridiculing Cadfael, who responded by blocking with Discipline and delivering a Proactive blow to the throat of his wily attacker. He finished him off with a Positive Expectation and one solid Integrity. It was over.

Sitting in his armchair after dinner, reading Atlas Shrugged, Cadfael poured himself a large Vision and put some Goals and Courage on a plate for a snack. Another day done. He had sown good things and he smiled, knowing that the future he was creating was bright, indeed. In his daily battles with Mediocrity and his treacherous band of Collectivists, Cadfael (which means Prince of Battle) knew that he had to stay alert and in shape. His personal trainer, Napoleon Hill, and mentor, Winston Churchill, along with his advisors, Ayn Rand and a stable of other winners, helped him stay focused and on track. They lived on his bookshelf and his CD rack, always on duty, always available to support and guide him. But he was the leader and the point man. He initiated, he took responsibility and he got the accolades.

In our daily lives, we’re wise to align ourselves with winners, Eagles and mentors who can sustain and direct us. Every choice counts.