Joint Venture Experts Use The Tools

There is an abundance of affordable and even no cost tools available that we can use to be more effective in our businesses. I’m no techie, believe me, but the tools are easy to use, even for me, especially if you use professionals to help you when necessary. I recently acquired a great Video Signature to attach to my e mails. Excellent results. And how about using Skype? No cost, excellent quality VOIP. I use it regularly. And of course LinkedIn – no cost, great communication and marketing tool. Take advantage of seminars and TeleClasses, (Try E Books and the like.
Keep up to date with the latest developments. Libraries will order books for you – you don’t even have to buy them yourself. Octavio Marquez recently introduced me to Google’s amazing new mapping service. Spend time learning from youngsters – they’re up to date and cutting edge. The fellow who does my video signature is only seventeen, yet he charges far less and is much better and far more professional than his competition. He even used GotoMeeting very efficiently to add the signature to my e mail for me in two minutes! Instead of spending an hour explaining what I do, I can have someone download an entire 57 minute interview and listen online. Saves a huge amount of time. You can use a Blog (at no cost) to communicate regularly with customers, employees and suppliers.
Naturally, internet and tools can’t take the place of relationships and face-to-face communication; there should always be a balance. But let’s not lag behind in this competitive world. Save time and money and deliver more value by using the tools available.
Sales Tip:
Tricks and gadgets can’t replace good old customer service. A smile and a bunch of flowers is worth 100 e mails. A telephone call and firm handshake are always the best tools. But we should always be looking for ways to increase the value we deliver to our clients.
Management Tip:
Make sure your employees optimize their productivity through the careful use of tools. Educate them and help them to understand the importance of staying up to date on new technology. Don’t be threatened by young people who know more than you do – learn from them!
Motivational Quote:
“The foolish think the Eagle weak, and easy to bring to heel. The Eagle's wings are silken, but its claws are made of steel.” ~ Sidney Sheldon
Contact us: Robin J. Elliott E Mail: Call Toll Free in North America, Hawaii, Alaska PST: 1.866.746.0631 International Phone + 604.945.5754