Eagles Joint Venture

Eagles mate for life within the first year of being born. An eagle will never leave its mate and will never mate again if their mate dies. In addition, they will never feed their eaglets anything but live food. If you see an eagle flapping around with something in its talons, you can be assured that the prey is alive.
As I said, an eagle will never leave its mate. A fisherman was out fishing and saw an eagle swoop down (recorded to be almost 200 mph) into the water. The eagle locked on to a salmon, their favorite fish. Pretty soon he saw the eagle's beak come out of the water to catch a breath - they will never let go of their prey once they have a hold on it. So he thought, “The beak keeps coming up and the eagle is getting tired.” Once an eagle’s feathers are wet, he cannot fly. The fisherman thought “Oh my, I think the eagle is going to loose this one!” And, next thing, SWOOSH! Out of the sky came the eagle’s mate. It grabbed onto the eagle in the water and pretty soon two beaks were coming up for air. But each time they came up for air they were closer to the shore and eventually they were both on the shore with the salmon intact!
Cleanliness: did you know that there are 700 feathers in each wing? Every morning the eagle takes the time to clean its feathers. One side of the tongue cleans the other side of the tongue oils the feathers. You can imagine that when diving at 150 mph and more to seize the prey, if the feathers are not in place the sound would be loud enough to scare the prey.
Molting: The eagle molts about every three years. This process is very painful. They pluck out every one of their 700 (each wing) feathers and that is like plucking out a fingernail! That is how painful it is. Then they go to a rock and they completely file down their talons to nothing and on that same rock they decimate their beaks. They do this in couples. It takes forty days and forty nights for them to grow their feathers, talons and beaks back. Another pair of eagles are circling for forty days and forty nights and feeding the molting couple and making sure that they are taken care of and that no predators get to them.
Eagles are hard workers; some of the eagles nests weigh 2 1/2 tons and are passed down from generation to generation. They preserve the next generation and their lifespan is over 125 years. Yet, when eaglets are learning how to fly, 40% of them die on that attempt.
Commitment. Integrity. Community. Excellence. And that, my dear Reader, is why we should cultivate an Eagle Attitude. Join the Eagles: Click here
Robin J. Elliott robin@dollarmakers.com Call Toll Free1.866.746.0631 Pacific Time
Robin J. Elliott has been officially included in the International Who's Who of Entrepreneurs in 2002 and has been nominated as a candidate for inclusion in the 2004-2005 edition of the International Who's Who of Professionals.
Robin J. Elliott has been officially included in the International Who's Who of Entrepreneurs in 2002 and has been nominated as a candidate for inclusion in the 2004-2005 edition of the International Who's Who of Professionals.