Tactical or Strategic?

When you see an entrepreneur overreacting to short-term challenges, he is tactically involved and focusing on bumps in the road instead of the map. He loses sight of his destination and the detours that he takes can have him ending up a million miles from his objective. Listen to what the American Productivity and Quality Center has to say, “High-level executives need and request specific strategically focused information from the competitive intelligence (CI) function. At the same time, professionals in functional units such as sales and marketing need and request tactical information to assist in business development and customer problem solving.”
No matter how large or small your business is, you need to be aware of this difference. People who have an exciting, specific vision and know why they want what they profess to want, do not easily cut and run when the going gets tough. They get their egos out of the way and remember why they are doing what they’re doing. They carefully build strong relationships with the right people and they don’t mind changing tactics in midstream if that’s what it takes to reach their goals. They have a long-term plan that helps them cope with intermediate irritations. They don’t panic or throw the baby out with the bathwater. Can you imagine General Patton, Montgomery, or Churchill panicking and wringing their hands? I think not. See how Google and Dell partner up to achieve their common goals. Watch Ebay and Yahoo joint venture to work strategically.
True success is built on a powerful vision. Joint Ventures is the most effective means I have found to make your dreams come true. Here is our DollarMakers Vision Statement to reach millions of people:
Vision Statement
DollarMakers will be the natural choice for individuals and owners of small to medium sized businesses worldwide who want to use Joint Ventures to create wealth and success. We will expand our services and network to provide affordable and accessible tools to create wealth to anyone of any background and in any situation, who understands that, by becoming financially free, they can gain, regain and maintain their dignity, self-respect, quality of life, and success. We will help to spread Capitalism and Freedom, and the understanding that every person is responsible for their own choices and success, and that they are able to attain that through Joint Ventures.
Mission Statement
DollarMakers specializes in sharing Joint Venture knowledge, access, and support with individuals and owners of small to medium sized businesses worldwide through our Membership, Meetings, Tools, and Training. Together, we do amazing things and every resource is available through Joint Ventures.
Link up with powerful, motivated individuals whose vision is strongly aligned with you own and Joint Venture together to achieve your common goals a lot faster and with the support any smart strategist creates.
Robin J. Elliott www.dollarmakers.com