Roto-Rooter Your Life

In our lives, we have financial flow. Imagine a huge money pipe directed into your bank account. Money flows through this pipe into your bank account. Would you like to remove all the obstructions to that flow, so that you get a strong, clean, ever-increasing flow of unlimited wealth into your life? Would like to Roto-Rooter that financial pipeline? Here are a few ideas that you can use, today, to clear out all the blockages and junk.
1. First, make sure your thinking and perceptions about wealth and money are accurate and conducive to success. Clean out negative programming about money. For that, I recommend you read “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand, a book that accurately explains Capitalism. You can also visit these useful and enlightening websites:, and
2. Secondly, Look at your INPUT. What do you read, where do you go, what do you watch on TV, what music do you listen to, whom do you assocaite with (see #4)? This input will have a direct effect on what you believe, expect and achieve. Remove negative input and replace it with the positive.
3. Third, create a few money machines to start feeding money into that pipe. I suggest Joint Ventures as the fastest, safest, and most practical method:
4. Fourth, remember that your netWORK (the people you mix with) determines your netWORTH. Get rid of the leeches, parasites, losers and wannabes and associate only with winners. Join the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum.
5. Finally, what you focus on will grow. Commit to, and focus on, solutions and goals, instead of problems. Set specific, exciting, practical financial goals and focus on what you want, instead of what you don’t want. Become a Money Magnet.
6. Get rid of bad habits.
It’s quicker to change your financial life than you may think. I have found that when you mix with rich people and take their advice, you get rich. We have over 425 positive Members worldwide that are ready to help other Members to make all their dreams come true. I learn from my Members and use Joint Ventures to create multiple streams of passive income in my life. I remove blockages from that money pipeline on a regular basis. It’s easier than you think.
Robin J. Elliott