Change Lives (and make money) By Giving Away this Powerful E Book

Robin J. Elliott’s powerful and popular manual on Joint Ventures, “Joint Adventures”, has changed the lives of many people around the world. It sells online as a download for $15, and we sell many. Now you can give it away! (And, if you’re a Member of the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum, you can earn generous commissions on all resulting business.)
This is how it works. All you do is to send people this link:
and they can download the entire Joint Venture Manual, free of charge, with your compliments.
This book helps people of any background, in any circumstances, and regardless of their skills, age, financial or geographical situation, to improve their financial situation. When you read it, you will understand what I mean. No selling required, and it can be done full time or part time. People travel long distances and pay up to $1,000 for one day of training to get this information from Robin every month.
Why do we give this e book away? Zig Ziglar said, “You can get anything you want out of life, if you are prepared to help enough other people to get what they want out of life.” So we help a lot of people. Some of those people will join our international Joint Venture Forum, some will buy our products or attend our training, and some will simply read the book, apply the principles, and improve their lives. We have many success stories.
How do YOU benefit? Well, apart from the satisfaction of helping others, you can get onto our commission structure and get paid for all resulting business. How many people can you reach? One of our Members sent this book offer link to 55 (fifty-five) people and one of them sent it out to his database. Within two days, 800 people had downloaded the book! Could you send it out to every Chamber of Commerce, school, university, church, business group, aid society, seniors group, and club in the world? Sure, you could. And they, in turn, would send it out to people whom they know, and their databases, and so on. It’s called Viral Marketing, and it works. If you sent out a customized link that was trackable to you, and you got paid on the resulting business, you could make a serious amount of money. We can arrange that for you quickly and easily. Simply e-mail Robin Elliott for more information. Include "E Book JV" in the Subject Box of your e-mail.
Remember, you reap what you sow. Why not start sowing massively, right now?
Robin J. Elliott