Help Others and Yourself - FREE

This scene is common around the world as the socio-economic systems change. There is no more “job security”. People are more at risk than ever before. Seniors, immigrants, families of military personnel and many others are even more at risk. At any moment, terrorism, stock market changes, oil price increases or any one of many other factors can radically affect one’s income. The only transferable business skill that can be easily acquired and put to use to create instant replacement income is Joint Ventures. This skill set is a portable money machine that can be used by anyone, in any situation, regardless of their age, background, or circumstances to start generating needed income fast. In fact, even an incarcerated prisoner can broker legitimate joint venture deals while still in prison, using a phone and the Internet, and make money for his family at home. Seniors Homes can turn in brokering houses. Disabled people, stay-at-home-moms and new immigrants can earn money part time full time. Teenagers can swap a paper route for JV brokering.
I have been called the “Prophet of Profit” and I prophesy that change is coming, and it’s coming fast. It’s no good mincing around on the sinking Titanic, patting ourselves on the back and burying our heads in the caviar. Denial will not change the inevitable. There is a scripture in the Bible that say, “To whoever much is given, of him will much be required; and to whom much was entrusted, of him more will be asked.” Millions of people need the information that we make available on Joint Ventures. The wise ones will, as the Chinese say, “Dig the well before they thirst” and acquire and practice this valuable skill, creating multiple income streams and learning the ropes. Those of us who see the Tsunami are responsible for sharing the Joint Venture lifeline. I encourage you, dear Reader, to generously distribute my book about Joint Ventures to as many people as you can, and trust that it land in the hands of those who have the wisdom to read and apply it.
Here’s the link for the FREE download:
Joint Venture brokering can earn money that can save marriages, reestablish dignity, self-esteem and self-respect, pay for education and ease suffering on a grand scale. We have an opportunity and a responsibility to share this knowledge. You can do it now at no cost – please send this link to download my book at no cost to everyone you know, and those you don’t know: it costs you nothing and you can help many people.
Robin J. Elliott