Sunday, October 29, 2006

How to Make your Joint Venture Offering Very Enticing

How can you make your Joint Venture offer so compelling, exciting, gripping and attractive that people line up to work with you?
Here are a few points that have worked well for me in the past. By applying them to your offer, and adding them to your profile on the Members Section of, you will find a lot more people responding to you.

1. Make your offering specific and believable.

Sometimes, the picture we paint of the potential benefits to our prospective JV partners is “Too good to be true” – beyond the pale of their expectations and beliefs. It depends on your audience, but when you offer a $10,000 per month deal to someone who scrapes by on $3,000 per month, they might find it hard to believe. Offer evidence and specifics. Show proof and examples. Use testimonials. Show them HOW and WHY. Tell them exactly what it is that you do / offer / sell/ want, and why they should get involved with you. What’s in it for them?

2. Remove barriers.
Remove cost and risk to the extent that you can. Make it easy for people to work with you. Take care of the details for them. Make sure you have a good tracking system in place so you can remove their fear of not getting paid, and/or ripped off. If your offer will consume a lot of time, try to fix that. People are busy. They want quick, easy, and high return. Think of what their concerns and objections might be, and take care of those in advance. Answer their questions before they ask. You have a small window of opportunity to make a great impression. Use simple language and pictures.

3. Tools.
Offer all the tools your prospective Joint Venture Partner needs to succeed, like support, sales and marketing tools and information, paperwork, contracts, reports, samples, conference calls, seminars, gift certificates, toll free numbers, advertising, access and systems.

4. Qualification.
Be selective. Have people qualify to work with you. People want what they can’t have. Don’t beg for business. Interview prospective partners and do your due diligence. Encourage them to do the same. This adds to you credibility and saves a lot of time and frustration in the long run. If a Member of the Forum approaches you, check that they are, indeed, a Member, and by all means contact me to establish their standing and reputation within the Forum.

5. Manage the Joint Venture.
Be on top of things – don’t expect people to be as proactive, productive, and motivated as you are. If you see things are not working out, walk away.

If you apply the above points to your offer, you will have little competition.

Robin J. Elliott