Solutions for Working Moms

Working Moms get home to start on their second, full-time job. While the husband (if there is one) collapses into his chair in front of the TV to relax with a beer after a hard day’s work, Mom gets home to start catching up with the kids, washing, ironing, cooking, homework, clothes, stories, feeding… Women can do this – they multitask better and can handle more pain that men. They are also better communicators, more intuitive and less egocentric than men are. (This article is written by a man.) Also, women generally earn less than men in the workplace do. Worry about the kids all day, miss their special events, get home and work even harder, feel guilty, sleep too little, and start all over again.
Then there are the women who work from home, usually earning less than they would in a regular job, or they work so hard from home that they might as well not even be there. Many of them have been caught and lost money in false promises, schemes and dreams that promise wealth and leisure, while in fact they have simply become self-employed salespeople for a makeup or vitamin company. What is the solution? Some feel the only way out is to “Marry a rich man”, but those with brains know that’s not the answer, either.
How can women work from home and earn the money they need to create financial well-being, with relatively little time, no risk, and all the benefits of owning a real, lucrative business? I’m not talking about buying a business – that’s risky and expensive, and 87% of new business start-ups will fail. And I’m not talking about selling – most of us are not salespeople. I’m talking about turning Mom into a Joint Venture Broker for under $400. That’s right. Mom’s multitasking ability, her intuitiveness, her ability to communicate, and her motivation to stay home and raise her kids (instead of sending them to some weirdo daycare or, worse still, the public school system), amply qualify her to be a very successful JV Broker.
How do I know that? I have been a Joint Venture Broker for nineteen years and I have taught many others to become JV brokers. All you need is the training, support, and motivation. You already have the motivation, and we can provide all the training and support you need.
Anyone, regardless of his or her background, age, experience, education, or circumstances, can use JV’s to create financial freedom, with no cost or risk. It takes some time initially, to practice and learn, but once you understand the process, it takes very little time. You can earn thousands with one simple phone call. No selling – you get paid for helping people and giving stuff away. Joint Venture Brokers earn money from multiple sources of passive income. They have no geographical restrictions and don’t need products, services, or even a business to make money. They can work from home with a phone, and do even more if they have Internet access. No meetings, no inventory, no commuting, no dressing up, no boss.
This is not Network Marketing. And it’s not new – the large companies are using JV’s all the time. How much does it cost to get trained? $397. Change your life an become a professional JV Broker for just $397. For more information, see - for your children’s sakes.
Robin J. Elliott