How to Get Others to Help You Achieve your Joint Venture Goals

One of the most wonderful aspects of Joint Ventures is that you actually get others to work hard on helping you achieve your JV goals. The process is simple, yet profound.
First, let’s remember the power of one’s Reticular Activating System (RAC). This subconscious, automatic, goal-seeking mental system works all the time. For example, if you’re looking for a new pair of shoes, you will notice every shoe shop along the way, without even trying. You won’t notice restaurants or car dealerships. Buy a new car, and you will instantly start noticing all the other cars like yours on the road. Suddenly, it seems like everyone bought the same car! Look around the room for the color red. Now look for green. See how effective this is? Once you focus your mind on any specific, measurable goal and energize that focus with emotion and belief, your subconscious mind is duty bound to find a way to reach that goal. That’s why we say, “Whatever you focus on will grow.”
Second, every JV goal you have involves someone else, and both of you will benefit from reaching the goals of that JV. Both of you have different resources, access, skill sets, insights, frames of reference and ideas. It’s a win/win process. You both win when you succeed. And if more than two people are involved, even better.
And here’s how it works. Share your goals with your JV partners and ask them to make suggestions as to how you can achieve your common goals faster. This creates a Mastermind, and it also activates the other person’s RAC! You get at least double the energy and resources by sharing the load. Instead of individuals ploughing along, working hard with limited resources, you double and quadruple your power through Joint Ventures.
Let me give you a simple example. If I have a JV partner by the name of Gus paying me two thousand dollars a month on a JV I have with him, I could approach him in the following manner: “Gus, I have to increase the value I create for you so much that you start paying me an additional thousand dollars per month, which will naturally earn you even more than that. What suggestions can you make that will help me to bring you more business? What connections do you have? What has changed? What new sales and marketing materials and tools can you offer me? Do you have any specific ideas I can use? How can we accomplish this?” I am focusing his RAC on a new goal – MY goal, but in his own interest. I am accessing his power, energy and resources. And the more often I enthusiastically bring this goal to his attention, the faster he is likely to reveal some new ideas that I can use.
Together, we do amazing things. Let us leverage every resource and remember that everything we need is freely available through the power of Joint Ventures. Here’s a good affirmation for you for the New Year: “I am a nuclear-powered money magnet!”
Robin J. Elliott