Is Your Life a Game Show?

When I see participants in a game show, like Deal or No Deal, I am always impressed at their zeal, focus, commitment, enthusiasm, and energy. Well, they stand to win millions of dollars or at least a car, I guess. And the game show has a beginning and an end, and they get to go home afterwards, with or without the prizes. I have watched Survivor and the Amazing Race – same thing. Bottom line they can only control a certain amount of what goes on, and the game doesn’t last very long. I’m sure a lot of them muse afterwards, “If only I had more time…”
Life is like a game show in some ways. First, it has a definite beginning and a definite end. Second, you get a lot more chances and to mess up and come back than you do in a Game Show. And a lot more time. But the real difference is that you really do get to control the outcome. It’s not Random Chance that will allow you to win, but your Rational Choices. And you’re playing against yourself! That means you have no competitors! Life is a lot easier than a Game Show and you stand to win a LOT more. You don’t just win a shiny car – you can win thousands of cars, millions of dollars, lasting happiness and wonderful relationships. You can help millions of other people.
How long have you been playing the Game of Life? 20 years? 40 years? 50 years? 60 years? Here’s the great news: THE GAME ISN’T OVER YET! You can still win! The game only ends when you die. (And perhaps it even continues after that…) But let’s realize that many people quit halfway through the best Game Show in the World. Imagine someone walking out in the middle of Survivor or the Amazing Race, if they didn’t have to! Too many of us allow disappointment, cynicism, and fear to rob us of a wonderful life, so we stagger away from the game and sulk in a corner while the rest of the participants courageously press forward. Well, you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off, have a Starbucks, and leap back into the fray if you want to. It’s not too late. Unless you’re dead, that is…
See, you are the game show host and the participant. You just have to know the rules and play by them. The rules are simple, really: there are only a few:
1. You will reap what you sow. You have created what you have and you can change what you have.
2. You are in control of your response to the world and your circumstances, and you can create anything you want.
3. You only lose when you quit and you can be forgiven and recover when you mess up.
4. The only limitations you have are self-imposed.
5. There are good people out there to help you, if you choose the right ones.
You’re not too old, too hurt or too weak to get back in the game. You can do it. You can soar like an Eagle, even if you feel like a lame duck. You were made to win, and it’s not too late to succeed magnificently.
Robin J. Elliott