Blueprint for Your Retirement in One Year

How badly do you want to retire, with enough passive income that you don’t have to work? How much would you spend, how hard would you work, if you know you could do that in ONE YEAR? One a scale of one to ten, one being “I don’t care” and ten being “Whatever it takes”, if you’re less than ten, don’t bother. If you’re ten or more, read on…
Here is a proven Blueprint that you can use to retire in one year with enough passive, residual income to live comfortably, using Joint Ventures.
No cost, no risk, and very little time if you do this correctly.
The only investment required is your training, coaching, and membership of the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum.
1. Establish the amount you need per month in passive income that will enable you cover all your living expenses and service your debt. Yes, you don’t have to be out of debt to retire - you just need enough income to cover all your expenses. For the purpose of this exercise, let’s assume you only need $5,000 per month within one year. That is, from your twelfth month, you will be earning at least $5,000 per month in passive income.
2. Divide the amount you need by one thousand. If you need $5,000, that number will be 5.
That is the number of Income Providers or Joint Venture Partners that you need. So you need five Joint Venture Partners, each sending you $1,000 per month within one year, for you to retire. It can be any number; if you want $6,000 per month, you need six JV partners. Some may pay you $2,000 every second month, and that’s OK. The average will work out to $1,000 per month.
5 X $1,000 per month = $5,000 per month.
3. Divide $1,000 by 12 = $83.33 per month increases. In other words, each of these five JV Partners must send you $83.33 in your first month, and each month it should increase by $83.33 per JV Partner. The second month, you need $166.66 per JV partner on average. By the 12th month (one year), each JV partner should average $1,000 per month = $5,000 per month passive income.
Month One: 5 X $83.33 = $416.65 passive income per month.
Month Two: 5 X $166.66= $ 833.33 passive income per month.
Month Three: 5 X $249.99 = $1,249 passive income per month.
Month Four: 5 X $333.32 = $1,666.66 passive income per month.
Month Twelve 5 X $1,000 = $5,000 passive income per month.
4. What do you need to do this?
First, you need TRAINING. You can attend one of our popular, proven one day Joint Venture Broker Bootcamps, or a Mom Comes Home Workshop, or you can buy our Home Study Program.
Second, you need JV Partners. That is where your income will come from. You do that by joining the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum. Our members understand JV’s, they agree to abide by our strict Code of Business Ethics, and they pay generous commissions. Platinum Membership is included in the Home Study Program!
Third, get onto our DollarMakers JV Coaching Program so that we can work with you to achieve this goal even before a year is up!
Naturally, you need to follow the training instructions and take consistent, enthusiastic ACTION. And of course, you need to have a positive attitude.
This simple, step-by step process requires no risk or selling, and very little time. It doesn’t matter if you have debt and it can work for you regardless of your background, circumstances, education, or debt level. You can retire in one year using this proven system.
If you’re really serious about retiring in one year, apply to join the Forum, get trained, and apply for the coaching program NOW. Visit or for more information.
NOTE: Not everyone is accepted into Membership or Coaching.
Robin J. Elliott