Saturday, March 12, 2005

Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Venture

Smart entrepreneurs and business owners know that Joint Ventures are the fastest and most effective way to radically increase sales and profits with virtually no money and no risk, as long as its done correctly.
The Advantages of Joint Ventures are speed, access, sharing of resources and the leveraging of underutilized resources, high profits, back end income, low or no risk opportunities and massive leverage.
The Disadvantages of Joint Ventures are the possibility of being ripped off or disappointed by unscrupulous and unprofessional JV partners, and hurting your reputation and/or customers and associates by associating with the wrong people, even unknowingly.
There is a way to locate and contact really solid JV partners, however. The DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum might be the solution for you. We carefully screen Members and the support and education provided are very effective. For more information on the advantages and disadvantages of joint venture, and on the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum, Click here.