Where to Invest? DollarMakers.com

We know it’s far more affordable to resell existing customers than to get new ones. We know that it’s better to retain our customers and to encourage referrals through added value service than to spend a lot of money finding new customers. So why don’t we act accordingly? Why don’t we spend 80% of our marketing budget on our EXISTING customers? Invest in your people and they will bring you a lot of new ones. Build strong relationships with the customers you have. That will increase loyalty, reduce attrition, increase transaction values and lengthen customer lifespan. Why not put a program together to REACTIVATE inactive customers? It’s much easier than trying to buy new ones.
By redirecting our marketing dollars to our loyal clients and creating unprecedented added and unexpected value, we can engender massive reciprocity in the form of referrals and goodwill. But only strategists will understand this. Tacticians, those “instant gratification” types, will never understand this. A happy customer is good – an elated customer is better. A satisfied customer might stay with you, but an inspired and enthusiastic customer will bring her friends, family and associates. A surprise party, an unexpected gift, a personal phone call and a complimentary dinner can buy a lot more new customers than advertising.
Use Joint Ventures to add value at no cost to you. Partner with other businesses to increase the value to offer and to differentiate yourself from the competition. Put yourself in your clients’ shoes and take the time to find ways to make their lives easier and more comfortable. Look after what you have and they will look after you.
Sales Tip
Act in your customer’s best interest. Reward referrals generously. Don’t skimp on packaging. Create referral systems that make the customer happy. Protect your customers; they’re hard enough to get and they can be worth their weight in gold.
Management Tip
Teach your team to listen and to go the extra mile. When I go into Safeway and ask where the bathroom is, the employee will walk me to the bathroom. When I go to the competition, the employee points in the direction on the bathroom. Big difference. A nice bag with a pretty bow and a big smile, a follow-up telephone call and even a thank you note can generate a massive return on investment. Get creative and set the eample.
Robin J. Elliott - President, Elliott Enterprises Inc.Vancouver, British Columbia
Tel. 604.945.5754 Toll Free Tel and Fax: 1.866.746.0631 (North America, Hawaii & Alaska) PST
Robin J. Elliott has been officially included in the International Who's Who of Entrepreneurs in 2002 and has been nominated as a candidate for inclusion in the 2004-2005 edition of the International Who's Who of Professionals.