Joint Ventures - Don't Sell Your Time

When I meet with my Joint Venture Forum Members, I always tell them that they should have each Joint Venture they consider fit within the following parameters: “No time, no risk, no cost, win/win.” That doesn’t mean a Joint Venture won’t take time to set it up, or a little expense up front – it simply means that ideally, the JV should run like a money machine, without your presence or time. The idea is to utilize and leverage underutilized resources and create links as a broker would. You get paid a percentage of resulting business. You link supply with demand and piggy back distribution and advertising.
The average consultant or employee (a consultant is simply an employee with many bosses) doesn’t realize that his hourly rate is not what he actually earns. When you look at your real profit, you should also consider what your freedom is worth to you. Are you free to do what you like, when you like? Are you free to go skiing or hiking when the weather permits, or when a boss permits? Are you really like a child in a classroom who has to ask permission to go to the little boys’ room? How much is time with your family worth to you? What will you sell it for? Do you really want to have a boss decide whether or not you’re allowed to take your wife on holiday or go fishing with your friends? How old are you, anyway? Maybe it’s time for your personal Independence Day.
Other peoples’ time, money, resources, equipment, expertise and access is freely available to smart JV experts. We don’t have money problems; we have thinking problems. Let us understand that we don’t have to sell our time. Fire that boss, once and for all. Fire your consulting and training clients like I did. They don’t deserve you. You family and loved ones deserve you. One phone call can earn a good JV broker more than the average employee earns in a month or more. Attend our Joint Venture Broker Bootcamp and find out how you can have all the time and money you want.
Robin J. Elliott