Friday, May 05, 2006

Go Deep

Yesterday, we went snorkeling on a coral reef at Kaneohe Bay in Oahu, Hawaii. We had a great time feeding the fish by hand and marveling at their beauty. We saw a green sea turtle and an eel. When the majority of my 21 companions got cold and climbed back on board the boat, I took off to the side of the reef and started diving deeper. It was there that I saw some amazing fish that weren’t partaking in the feeding frenzy. One of them was an amazing translucent blue. I could never describe its beauty without you seeing it as it glided around the coral. I also got a few bluebottle stings, which the others didn’t get, but the fleeting discomfort was nothing compared to the wonder of being alone in those magical surroundings.

This is true of any opportunity. Follow the herd, run with the rats and you might have some fun, but strike out on your own and go deep and you will learn unique skills and have an adventure. You can join a service club or association and do the minimum or you can become a leader and go all the way to the top of the international organization. Believe me, there’s very little competition. You can wallow in the shallows and have a good time, or you can take it to the next level and have a great time. It’s not about the opportunity – it’s what you make of it.

This I evident in any organization or club, and I see it in the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum as well. Call it the 80/20 rule, if you like; I call it the 10/90 rule. I recently talked with a new Member who asked me if the Forum Membership commission structure would allow him to make $5,000 per month if he worked the system. I assured him that this was possible with enough work and focus, if he got himself a Replicator Website to use as a good marketing and tracking tool. When he discovered that the site cost $249 to set up and then $39 per month, he lost interest. Why would someone balk at $39 to earn $5,000? Simple: he doesn’t believe he can make that kind of money. His self esteem is too limited to accept the opportunity. Others have done it, but he won’t. He prefers to wallow in the shallows. And that’s fine by me.

The price you pay to experience success, joy, fulfillment and wealth is negligible compared to the benefits, but there are requirements to going deep. They are: commitment, self discipline, honesty, hard work, focus and consistency. These are choices that anyone can make once they have access to a good system. I had all the support, equipment and tools I needed to go deeper when snorkeling. I had a good team on the boat, and they were there to guide me and assist me. When a got a few stings, they reassured me and sprayed stuff on my back and arms. Teamwork makes the dream work. The DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum is based on exactly that support system: Joint Ventures. We use proven systems, great support and a great team of hundreds of Members worldwide to help Members go deep.
Robin J. Elliott