Friday, May 19, 2006

If you check off three or more of the following…

1. My expenses increase along with my income – I just can’t seem to get ahead.

2. I experience “Feast or Famine” in my business – busy periods and quiet periods.

3. My profit margins are continually shrinking as costs increase.

4. My competition is forcing prices down.

5. It’s so hard to get good salespeople.

6. There’s more and more competition out there – we’re all eating from a shrinking pie.

7. I work harder and harder, longer and longer hours, just to stay ahead of the game.

8. Foreigners and immigrants offer the same products and services that I do, but much cheaper / My competitors hire cheap, illegal labor and undercut my prices.

9. My type of business is not as lucrative as it used to be / it’s a dying industry.

10. I can’t duplicate myself in my business so I can’t stop working.

DON’T sell your kidney on EBay. Don’t check the suicide clause in your life insurance policy. Don’t ask where you can buy an untraceable gun to kill your competitor (or customers!)

DO seriously consider the freedom, flexibility, and financial windfall that Joint Ventures offer you. Create multiple, increasing streams of passive income with no cost or risk, no overhead, very little time, no income or geographical limitations… and all of this FAST, with Joint Ventures.

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