I once had a meeting with a very smart mentor of mine, about a business problem I was experiencing. He told me, “Robin, you are emotional. You have come for my advice. I am logical and objective. I am giving you my opinion. I am not asking for your advice, sanction or permission. Don’t argue with me. That is my opinion and advice to you; take it or leave it. You have many options, which you might not see in your current state of panic. This, in my opinion, is your best option.” What wonderful advice! I took his advice and solved my problem.
The application of this knowledge that we always have other options is to realize that we are not aware of all our options but that somebody is. When you decide who you want to illuminate you as to your options, choose someone whom you like, respect and trust. Now when you go to the doctor, you don’t argue with him about his opinion – if you do, he should kick you out of his office. The same goes for your mentor – do not second-guess him – thank him, then take his advice or don’t. And if you don’t, don’t expect more where that came from.
It’s important whose advice you take. Do not ask losers for their advice. I have met many “coaches” who need serious psychological assistance and “consultants” who should not be allowed anywhere near a business. They should rather find work as bureaucrats, mystics or politicians. Paul J. Meyer said, “Never be limited by other people's judgments, opinions, prejudices, or tunnel vision.” Once you have decided on your course of action, be single-minded, and don’t be distracted or slowed by the wrong people. Marcus Aurelius said, “The opinion of 10000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject.”
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Robin J. Elliott