A Great Little Joint Venture Anyone Can Do

The business is already running successfully, at no cost to you. They can make a lot more money with your help – money they would not have had without you, so they should be willing to share some of that extra profit with you. You can either Joint Venture with a webmaster to create an e-commerce website, database and ezine for the business, or you can simply do it yourself and make even more money. You offer the business an e-commerce website with a database and weekly ezine, at no cost or risk to the business owner. You gather the data of all their customers (we can show you how to do that), enter it into the database and then sell those customers a huge range of products and services, from the business and also from other businesses, and you share the profits with the business.
Here’s a simple example. You approach a successful restaurant that has 120 guests a day and no database. You can get a very professional e-commerce website, with database, ezine, everything you need, that you can run yourself, for a mere $799 and $65 per month. That’s your entire cost and risk. You give every guest that enters the restaurant a very compelling reason you give you his or her e-mail address and name. (We can show you how to do this.) You pay someone to enter all the names, continually, into the database, or you do it yourself. You arrange affiliate programs and back end options to sell people visiting the website, and you allow guests to book for the restaurant and pay through the website as well. You can sell gift certificates to the restaurant through the website as well as numerous other products and services.
Using Gift Certificates, Vouchers and Coupons from other businesses, at no cost to you, you can entice guests to visit the website to download these gifts, samples and freebies, and while they are on the site you sell them more stuff. In addition, when they become customers of the businesses offering the Gift Certificates (for example for a free yoga class, consultation, hair cut or class) you get paid a commission on all ongoing purchase from that business!
You own the URL and the website, you share the profit with the restaurant owner, and you both make money. I could go on and on but you get the point. If you would like the contact information of the person providing this very reliable and professional e-commerce, self-run website, contact me. By joining the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum, you get instant access to over 400 Members worldwide who understand these principles and would be happy to provide you with Gift Certificates, ideas and more.
Robin J. Elliott www.DollarMakers.com