Veterans’ Day Vooma

I love the military and so it’s no surprise to find me reading William W. Johnston’s “Vengeance is Mine” – I already have his next book, “Black Ops – American Jihad” queued up on my night table, and I love the Military Channel. What I enjoy about the military is the notion of commitment and loyalty. I was drafted into the army at 17 but my whole life has been military oriented.
In this world, people can choose between the purgatory of the politically correct and procrastinators, and the victory of the warrior mindset. Too many choose the limbo of the lukewarm, and the chafed butt of the fence sitters, whose favorite word is “BUT”, unaware that they have made a specific choice between being tepid or terrific. Too many choose the no-man’s land of woulda, shoulda, coulda. Compromise and concession are popular among the pessimists and those who choose fear instead of faith.
Watch the movie, Patton – it’s worth it just for his speech, (which was naturally edited and censored) – and ask yourself why strong, committed, uncompromising people reach their goals. Read Churchill’s writings and see why he would never tolerate watered down wimps. Those who succeed don’t even consider quitting. Those who win believe they are going to win before they even start. Successful soldiers understand Semper Fi at a gut level. Loyalty is not an option. Retreat is not something they relish.
How about you? Do live on “Someday “Isle”?
Someday, I’ll lose weight.
Someday, I’ll have the guts to fire my boss and get into my own business.
Someday, I’ll be a better husband.
Someday, I’ll write that letter / honor my commitments / take that trip…
I love Veteran’s Day because it reminds me that persistence pays off, that quitting is never an option, and that the strong and honorable will always win. Strength is a choice. Victory is a series of choices. There are many lessons to be learnt from the military, but the most important is this:
Choose your goals, commit, pay the price and win without compromise.
Robin J. Elliott