
There are only two kinds of people in the world: people who finish what they start, and those who do not. The former are winners and the latter are simply losers. Did you know that the former group, those who finish what they start, represents a very small percentage of the population? They consistently finish everything they start and they end up rich and successful. They bite the bullet. They push through the pain. Most people who buy books never even finish reading them. I’m not talking about a student finishing a university degree – there are many parrots out there and you really don’t have to be a rocket scientist to get most university degrees – I’m talking about people who complete the difficult, challenging, tiring, exigent tasks.
I am privileged to know a few Finishers – people who will not shirk, who will not shrink, who will not turn tail and run back to their mamas when the going gets tough. These people are reliable, committed, and dependable. They will do whatever it takes to deliver on their promises. They will overcome any obstacle, fight any opponent, and endure any hardship to complete what they started. They believe in their mission and they will not let themselves down. They are heroes who will back you up when you go through rough times. They are there for you when you need them. They are not quitters.
In today’s world of instant gratification and politically correct weakness, when people get away with murder and lethargy and dishonesty are overlooked, it’s easy to retreat instead of bravely standing your ground. Winners don’t compare themselves with the plebes and the rat race – they set their own standards. They demand excellence of themselves and they answer only to themselves. They don’t need to be cajoled, motivated, encouraged, reminded, or enticed – they are self-motivated, bulletproof guided missiles heading for their predetermined targets. They are the unstoppable victors who make things happen and take full responsibility for their commitments.
Of all the people I know, including nearly 500 Members of the DollarMakers Forum, I have an Eagles List of just 25 people. They are all Finishers. I won’t list all my Eagles now, but the DollarMakers Dream Team is made up only of Eagle Finishers – my amazing wife, Rika Elliott, our intrepid and incredible Managing Director, Jim Kennedy, our genius Technical Director, Winston (The Eagle) Bromley, the Marketing Director for our DollarMakers Mom Comes Home Campaign, the unstoppable Michelle Bacani-Lim, and the Toronto Area Coordinator for DollarMakers, our very own Michal (The Bullet) Jaster. These winners consciously create their own futures and teamwork makes the dream work.
There is a saying, “Faithful in little, faithful in much”. Finishers are particular about finishing and delivering on even the smallest of promises. To them, it’s not the size of the task, but the fact that they will finish every task. It’s matter of uncompromising principle to them. Let us all resolve to finish every task, every project, every undertaking, with zest, enthusiasm, professionalism and joy. FINISH THE RACE.
If you want a shot in the arm to inspire you, watch the movie, Annapolis.
Robin J. Elliott