How to Become the Only Act in Town

I am always amazed when I am approached by some real estate investor or financial planner or business consultant, who tells me how great they are and that I should consider sending them all the people I know. WHY would I do that? When they tell me how smart and ethical they are, my question is, “So what? I know dozens of people who claim to do what you do. Why should I even remember your name?” Here’s the answer: Give me a compelling REASON to consider you the only act in town, and to enthusiastically, passionately, and consistently refer you to everyone I know and his brother.
I don’t care about your history, your war stories, your nice business card, your wonderful track record or your database. I don’t care how long you have done this or how much you say you care about your clients. I am a businessman. Given that you are professional, honest, and intelligent, I only want to know one thing: “What’s in it for ME?” You’re a dime a dozen. How will you make such an impact on me that I think about you day and night? How will you grab my attention by the throat and shake me until my teeth rattle? How will you compel me to eagerly search for business for you 24/7, using every resource at my disposal? What will make me hand out YOUR business cards instead of my own and call you to ask if I can come over and shovel the snow in your driveway?
Smart marketers don’t talk about the most boring subject on earth: themselves. Only stupid and desperate people brag about themselves. Intelligent salespeople want to know what it will take for me to consider them the only option in their industry. They want to know what I want so that they can use Joint Ventures to deliver exactly what I want and in so doing create massive, unprecedented reciprocity. They will GUILT me into lying awake at night, scheming how to send them more business. They will create such astounding value for me that I talk about them in my sleep and leave them everything in my will. They will find out what I really, really want, more than anything else, and consistently get it for me through the power of Joint Ventures, and then enjoy seeing money flow into their bank account, as they become the only act in town in my mind.
Stop talking about yourself – it is boring and silly. Stop selling – by doing that, you’re simply demonstrating your ignorance. Stop looking in the mirror and start looking into the eyes of the people you know can bring you bucketfuls of qualified prospects and position above all your competition. Third party endorsement is the best way to grow a strong business. Find four powerful and successful Centers of Influence and consistently apply this approach to them, and you will become the Only Act in Town.
Robin J. Elliott