No More Fear, No More Money Worries

Millions of people lie awake at night, staring at the ceiling, tossing and turning, plumping their pillows, eventually falling asleep in front of the TV so they can’t think, worrying about money. Do you? I’ve been there, done that – many times. I know what it’s like. It eventually taints everything, affects relationships, your health, your whole demeanor. You start living in a fog of tension and quiet desperation. Everything seems to be about money. Everyone seems to want more money. People commit suicide about money problems. They start taking drugs and drinking to escape. Marriages break up. People get lured into gambling and lose everything. We blame, we fight, and we worry. It’s time to stop.
Stop being afraid and stop worrying, because there is a solution for you. Most of us are locked in to a paradigm that is self-defeating; it involves the usual traps – credit card debt, paying your Visa with your MasterCard, loan sharks, banks, Get-Rich-Quick schemes, cutting costs and lowering you standard of living, doing without, borrowing, refinancing and then re-refinancing again, second jobs, a never-ending downward spiral.
If we do what we’ve always done, we’ll get what we’ve always got. If we do what the common people do, we’ll get exactly what they get: debt and worry. And entrepreneurs are even more at risk. I’ve been in my own business for twenty years and I have been through this stuff, nearly went bankrupt once, seen it all. Ninety percent of peoples’ problems are related to money in some way. There is a way out of debt and out of a job, which I call blatant slavery. Instead of having your business own you, you can own the business. If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, read on.
Conventional “wisdom” tells us to sell our most valuable, irreplaceable resource – our precious time. We have heard that the higher the risk, the higher the return and that you must simply spend less, work harder and keep up with the Joneses. So we spend money we don’t have to buy things we don’t need to impress people we don’t even like. And we sink deeper into debt. It’s like quicksand! The more we struggle, the more we drown. Rich people get richer because they don’t do what the common people do. They use leverage. They use other peoples’ money and resources. They broker deals.
I have been a Joint Venture Broker for 20 years. I make money at 100% profit margin with no cost, risk, overhead, employees, inventory, leases, or office, and very little time. You can do the same thing. Regardless of your background, age, circumstances or education, you can start making money soon, you can create multiple rivers of residual income from various sources and you can stop worrying about money. You can do what I do and I can teach you how to do it. For free downloads, videos, interviews, podcasts, and my book, Joint Adventures, in French, English or Spanish (or all three) with my compliments, visit to find out more. Unless you enjoy worrying, of course.
Robin J. Elliott