Wanna GROW?

Take a pumpkin seed and grow it in a bottle. It will only grow as big as the bottle. It is limited by its environment. I recently talked with someone who actually told me that she preferred to be a “Big Fish in a Small Pond.” Did you know that fish grow bigger in bigger ponds? The hallmark of one of those big fish that strut around in small ponds is arrogance, and I have learned that pride comes before the fall. A small fish that is ambitious and self-confident seeks a big pond where he or she can grow without limitations.
You grow stronger with more competition. Superstars don’t hide away in their hick towns – they go to Hollywood to make their fortunes. And they don’t arrive in Hollywood as big fish; on the contrary, they arrive as small fry. They arrive as Nobodies and they become Somebody’s. They believe in their dreams and in themselves. If you want to improve your game, you pit yourself against those who are stronger, faster, and more skilled than you are and you learn from them. You challenge and push yourself to do better. To take risks. The kite flies higher against the wind.
Step outside your comfort zone; push yourself into the company of people who are richer, smarter, and more successful than you are. Become an eternal student and zealously apply what you learn. Take consistent, uncompromising action. Work through the night, if you have to, with a “Whatever it takes” attitude. Work harder than anyone else does. Show up first. Be better dressed and better prepared than your competition. Seek a coach or mentor that is far more successful than you are and do whatever they tell you to do.
Small fish can’t grow in tiny ponds. Find a big fish and follow him around – meet his friends, emulate his choices, and before you know it, you’ll be big, too. Growth is a choice, one that you have to make a thousand times a day. Stop yourself every five minutes and ask yourself, “Is what I am doing and thinking right now taking me towards my goal or away from it?” Then, if necessary, adjust immediately.
Most “Big Fish” in small ponds are really simply insecure, pretender types who know they’ll never make it in a big pond because people will quickly find out who they really are. If you want to grow and make you dreams come true, throw yourself into the deep end of a big pond without your water wings and swim like crazy. Before you know it, you’ll be soaring like the eagle your truly are.
Robin J. Elliott www.Dollarmakers.com