Sunday, January 20, 2008

Beware of This Book!

Timothy Ferriss wrote a wonderful little book called the 4-Hour Work-week. He explained how he works and lives and makes money, and I learned a lot. Here's the danger: A few people who have read this book now feel justified in answering their e-mails sporadically, or even once a week! WAKE-UP CALL: YOU'RE NOT TIMOTHY FERRISS YET!

When you have structured your life and business like Mr. Ferriss, you might get away with ignoring emails, not getting back to people promptly, or making them wait. Until then, all you're doing is throwing your business and reputation down the toilet. I emailed someone last week with a hot referral, and received an automated e mail back to tell me she will only be available February 8th. The height of arrogance. Five weeks! That's the last time I will ever send her business, believe me.

You have to be very careful about implementing ideas you find in books, in the real world, without understanding the context and the dynamics that need to be in place around those ideas. This book is not an excuse for laziness or lack of self discipline. If you are not consistent, reliable, up-to-date and professional, what you have will be taken away from you and given to someone else. You might be very surprised if you knew how much business you already don't get because you don't respond promptly.

People expect you to be reliable, consistent, honest, on time, pro-active, and professional. They don't believe your excuses. The most successful people I know are very consistent. The wealthiest person I know responds to my calls within MINUTES. He doesn't have to, but that's who he is, and that's why he is wealthy. Winners are humble and they respond fast and walk their talk. They don't need reminders and they know that "if you snooze, you lose". Walk before you run.

Robin J. Elliott