Friday, February 08, 2008

Do Your Due Diligence - Please!

I am constantly amazed at the way people get involved with scammers and con artists, when there are some perfectly good, proven, and lucrative Joint Ventures available. If I was a detective looking for a confidence trickster or a thief, my chief suspects would be trainers, seminar leaders, coaches, ministers of religion, politicians, and consultants. A large percentage of them are broke, unemployed salesmen with delusions of adequacy - legends in their own lunchtimes.

Do your due diligence before writing a check - please! Before you invest with one of these "self-made men" who worships his creator, do a little background checking. Don't be impressed when he hands you his self-published book, unless you need to make a fire. Don't believe their stories unless you can authenticate them. When they have people running to the back of the seminar room to buy their overpriced junk, remember that scarcity, fear, and greed, and not rational evaluation, is driving those poor losers to buy stuff they don't need and can't afford with money they don't have. Men, take your wife with you to the next sell fest that is disguised as a seminar - women are more intuitive and generally more intelligent when it comes to these things.

Don't spend money if you're under pressure to do so. There's really no rush. I heard of a fellow who paid a private detective $300 do a background check on a public speaker who was selling a $30,000 "Business Opportunity" - he was shocked at what he discovered,m and needless to say he didn't invest. When you hear them screaming, "Today only! Special deal! Never to be offered again! Limited inventory!" you know that some people are going to wake up the next morning with horrible regret and a seriously depleted bank balance. Their greed and fear cost them their hard-earned money.

There are some excellent and lucrative opportunities available, but they are few and far between, and it will serve you well to be cautious and objective when making your choice.

Robin J. Elliott