Information to Make You Rich
People are Like Car Batteries
Have you ever experienced a flat battery in your car? The more you try to start the car, the worse it gets, as the power drains away. The lights dim, the engine battles to turn over. That’s exactly what happens when you procrastinate on taking action. When you’re thrilled about a new project, that’s the time to jump into enthusiastic action: take advantage of the full battery of creativity, energy and insight that you have.
By waiting, analyzing, talking to other broke, negative people, and allowing your battery to slowly run down, you ensure your failure and mediocrity. Eventually, you go ahead just because you said you would, but without the fire and power you had when you first saw the opportunity. The longer it takes to take action, the less your possibility of success. As time passes, you start thinking of all the ways it won’t work. Your faith slowly gives way to fear, and you creep back into your shell of mediocrity.
When building a team, a downline, or a business, remember this: The window of opportunity is small, and those who make quicker decisions and get on board with excitement and action are the people you want on board. They will attract other winners like a magnet with their positive energy. The others will suck your energy as they try to regain the optimism and eager expectancy they had when they first heard of the opportunity. “Paralysis of Analysis” is a character trait that spells doom and gloom for the rest of your team, and you don’t need that cancerous contamination.
Lead by example, and be an action taker. Expect your people to do the same, and reward the walk, not the talk. If people don’t step up within a reasonable period of time, my suggestion is that you cut them loose as their battery dwindles. Invest your time and energy in strong, fired-up, action-oriented people.
Robin J. Elliott
Excellent Service is Not Enough
Have you heard the old saying, “Last impressions are lasting impressions”? Like the tattooed waitress who fawns over you the whole night, and after you sign the bill and allocate her tip, she disappears forever. Hopefully you won’t need anything more, because now that she has her tip she’s off working someone else. Or you attend a great theme park, event, or attraction, and after it’s all over you trudge home in the cold, dark and rain to your car - you’re forgotten.
I decided to go skiing on Mount Seymour, and, true to form, they had adjusted their schedule again to suit themselves, and twenty people were told abruptly that the chair lifts would only be opening at noon. No apology, nothing. At the top of the mountain thy eventually put up a sign with the “new” time. Why not at the bottom of the mountain before you drive all the way up? Oh, sorry, I forgot - that’s too much trouble for them. The infamous Heathrow Terminal Five: “Your bags were lost, but now they’re found - it will take another 45 minutes.” This after waiting an hour. No apology, just a sour face. I didn’t feel like I was hearing the snippet of a hymn, believe me.
In a world where competition is so strong, it’s easy to differentiate yourself and to stand out from the also-rans like welcoming, caring beacon of light. It’s simple to ensure people will remember you long after the event - a warm memory of your business. Relative to the amount of money people spend at your establishment, and bearing in mind the fact that they usually have numerous choices - read your competition - would you spend five bucks to retain a $100-per-visit customer? And what if that puny five bucks got your customer to refer you to ten other people @ $100 each, instead of badmouthing you on their blog?
“OK, OK - get to the point”, you say. And I will. You can buy delightful little ornaments, plush toys, and other gimmicks for one dollar at most Dollar Shops. You could have some ribbon printed with your business name on it to wrap around the soft, one dollar bear, and hand it to your guests as they leave. Send a Thank You Note. Add them to your database and send them a nice ezine with a Gift Certificate. The waitress could walk you to your car, holding an umbrella. Small gestures will be remembered long after the event. You don’t have to pay exorbitant prices for “corporate gifts”, but something with your name on it in your client’s office or home is a friendly reminder and a creator of loyalty and positive word-of-mouth advertising.
Don’t get me started on restaurants again - damn! I already have. I take my wife to a new restaurant on the water in Port Moody for our 22nd wedding anniversary, and they ask, “What’s the occasion?” when I make the reservation. I tell them, “22nd wedding anniversary”. They FORGET, so people all around us get special treats with sparklers and signing waiters, while we are ignored. I won’t go back, I won’t recommend them, and I don’t like them. Childish, but human, I’m afraid. Here was a missed opportunity to spend a small amount to have that restaurant advertised to thousands of people in this article.
Every restaurant could dramatically increase their brand and market share with virtually no money and exceptional add value, using simple system that I teach at my Joint Venture Bootcamps. And that goes for EVERY other business out there. Reduce customer attrition, increase transaction amount, build your brand, increase referral business, push profits up… You can do it when you put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Spend 80% of your advertising and marketing budget on you existing customers and only 20% on new customers, and you will be amazed at the results.
Robin J. Elliott
Action, Traction, Attraction
Success is uncomplicated for people who understand that there are only three steps to reach it, and they are: Action, Traction, and Attraction. In my experience, anyone with an IQ of over 100 and a decent work ethic (those two criteria instantly eliminate a large percentage of the population) can climb these three simple steps to massive success in any business venture.
The first step is ACTION: a four letter word for many, called WORK. Consistent, focused, uncompromising, quality work. Not just a flutter of work and bluster just before you fetch your boss at the airport; he sees through that quickly and your sins will find you out. Not sporadic, half-hearted attempts, or mere gestures. I’m talking about real work, doing the things that get results. Doing the uncomfortable things at inconvenient times. Being on time, in place, and productive - every day. Working with enthusiasm and passion, without even considering quitting. Putting in the hours, going the extra mile, even when it rains or you feel ill. Consistent work. If you work long enough, you finally smash through the wall to resistance, and you eventually reach the next level, which is…
TRACTION. This is when you start to see progress, momentum, branding, recognition, a profit. People start responding, your phone starts ringing; you begin to see progress. The wheels are digging in - they’re stopped spinning on the ice and mud. How long does it take before your action gets traction? However long it takes. But if you have a good mentor, work hard an smart, use Joint Ventures, and only work with the right people, it eventually happens. And when you start to get traction, it is not a time to sit back and take it easy. This is the signal to double your efforts, sharpen your axe, and work harder than ever. Don’t miss the opportunity to keep the traction going until you reach the desirable level of…
ATTRACTION. Now your phone rings all day, and like the old song goes, “getting cards and letters from people I don’t even know, an offers coming over the phone…” Again, this is not a time to start resting, but a time o build on the momentum, strike while the iron is hot, and work harder! At a certain point (you will know when), you will be able to loosen up and take it a bit easy. If your systems are in place, you can delegate and allow the systems to do more work, but be vigilant, because the enemy lurks always.
Follow this philosophy and you will reap what you so.
Robin J Elliott
Highly Recommended Book: “Never Surrender” by Michael Dobbs
Winston Churchill - the story of one man’s defiance and a nation’s courage - three weeks in the Second World War.
Wonderful Job Available!
I talked with a young man called Blake, who told me he was looking for a “wonderful job”. I asked him to describe the job. It included autonomy, working on his own program, to his own schedule, lots of money, of course, and travel, the ability to use his creativity, bonuses for innovation, etc. He wanted lots of freedom, but he said he works very hard. He also said he was creative, professional, and dedicated. I asked him what kind of boss he wanted. “Someone who really understands me, allows me to play to my strengths, and encourages me”, he replied.
I told him, “You know what, Blake? You can have a job exactly like that. I know how you can get it. In fact, you can design your own job description, and you can even decide how much you will earn, including rewards for innovation, creativity, and professionalism. What’s more, I have the perfect boss for you - someone who really knows you, and more than that, CARES about you!” He was bouncing off the walls with excitement, begging to hear more.
I said, “The boss is YOU. Your on business. Total freedom, along with total responsibility, no limitations, and the world at your feet. At this point he predictably became angry. He said he wanted the “SECURITY” of a paycheck. I answered, “You should trust yourself more than anyone else in the world, Blake. Why would you feel more secure handing your life and income to someone else who doesn’t care about you? Is your self-esteem really so low? Here’s the real question, Blake: You know yourself, your abilities, and your work ethic. Would YOU hire YOU? If you would, here’s your perfect opportunity - start your own business - employ yourself!”
Guess what his next objection was - “It’s so risky to start a business.” I agree completely. That’s why we teach people to start the best business in the world - no overhead, no risk, unlimited potential, flexibility, creativity, income, and freedom: being a Joint Venture Broker. Say no more!
Robin J. Elliott
Easy Money, Just Waiting for You
Easy money, Honey! There are thousands of goldmines out there just WAITING for you. This is an untapped source of serious money. Want to know more? Settle down with a cup of tea and a ginger biscuit - this information could radically change your financial situation forever. I’m serious.
A very large percentage of small and medium-sized businesses have no website, no e-commerce, no up-to-date database of customers, no back-end income sources or Joint Ventures in place, no referral systems, no upsells or bundling, and no regular, effective communication with their customers. Many of them see forty or fifty new customers a day, and yet they don’t get them into a database. All that money is left on the table - for you to share in!
If you approached a business that had forty or more new customers and regulars coming in every day, you could make them the following offer, and you would have a lot of takers lining up to make you money:
“I can offer you a new, complete, professional, e-commerce website with links to ten Joint Venture partners, (that’s ten additional, pure profit income streams that I will set up for you) plus a number of back-ends, and build you a database and weekly ezine, plus put upsells and bundling in place. I will set up a lucrative referral system for you and manage the entire project, update it, and make it work. It will cost you not one dime, take none of your time, entail no risk whatsoever, and seriously enhance your image with your customers. It will seriously increase your sales and profits. At the same time, it will reduce your customer attrition rate and increase customer loyalty, purchase frequency, and transaction amounts. Most important, it will differentiate you from your competitors and add massive additional value. And it won’t cost you a cent.
I will own the URL (domain name) and the passwords, and I will take 40% of the resulting profits (that’s money you wouldn’t have had, anyway!) Now this might not be for you, of course, and that’s OK with me - I just wanted to make you this offer before going across the road to your competition.”
You use their existing reputation, customer flow, resources, and infrastructure to make money. You piggyback on an existing business. And you can do this with ten businesses simultaneously!
Oh, the website. You will be amazed to hear that a website like that is available for $997 and $50 per month, with full, total support, and you can sell banners and advertising to cover the initial investment. See and use this idea to make a lot of money.
Want to learn more? Attend our Toronto Joint Venture Broker Bootcamp April 19!
Robin J. Elliott
Triumphant Trilogy
Let’s talk trilogies. We’ve all seen the movie trilogies, from junk like Legally Blonde to good stuff like The Godfather. Then you get evil trilogies, like Omorosa, Obama, and Osama (I’d add Absolut Vodka, but then it would be a tetralogy and it wouldn’t rhyme…), and good trilogies, like the boxing trilogies of the Muhammad Ali-Joe Frazier battles and the Riddick Bowe and Evander Holyfield fights. I’m not talking about those trilogies.
What I am talking about is a three-legged-stool analogy - every leg is equally necessary in order that the objective be accomplished. I believe the ideal trilogy is Freedom, Responsibility, and Creation. Simply put, we are responsible for ourselves and our own successes or failures in life. Responsibility means, “My ability and choice to respond to my circumstances, opportunities, and threats in any way I wish. Creation is production. We are creative beings, or, better still, becomings- we are responsible for our own creations and contributions, and we should be rewarded in direct proportion to the value we create. The more value we responsibly create, the more freedom we are granted, because we are (or should be) financially rewarded in reciprocation for our beneficence. Money buys power and freedom. This philosophy is the backbone of capitalism and freedom.
But does this always work? In an altruistic, collectivist society that attacks WalMart for being successful and worships smoking sluts that cavort naked with strange men in public (film stars), where losers, mystics, and parasites are more honored and loved than the CEO’s of companies that provide jobs for tens of thousands of people who are incapable of creative thinking, it’s sometimes hard to believe that we live in a capitalist, free world society in the west. The fact is, if you believe it, you need to MAKE it work. If your philosophy is like mine, you are obliged to live a congruent, uncompromised life, regardless of some of the frustrations encountered along the way.
Once we take responsibility for our pasts and our futures and understand that we are fully entitled to fair recompense for our production, once we demand freedom and insist on being allowed to live according to our philosophy, we shift to the top three percent in society. Then the top one percent. Naturally, that philosophy creates wealth, because a true Objectivist will not accept mediocrity and a second-rate lifestyle, handouts or less compensation than he or she is worth.
Understanding your own weltanschauung, choosing a philosophy that is both challenging and empowering at the same time, and demanding the right to live according to that philosophy, is another triumphant trilogy. The problem that people have with success and money is a thinking problem. The issue is not your circumstances but your world view. This philosophy will attract the enmity an jealousy of masses, as is evidenced on television on a daily basis, as we slowly slide into slimy socialism. But it’s well worth it. In her book, Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand clearly shows how it works, and I highly recommend you consider reading it if you are truly committed to success in your life.
As the singer tells us, it’s like love and marriage or a horse and carriage - you can’t have the one without the other; you need all the three legs of the stool - no exclusions: Freedom, Responsibility, and Creation. The motto, “Live Free or Die” appeals to me.
Robin J. Elliott
How to Supercharge Your Sales and Income
Did you know that there is a simple “Mental Switch” that you can throw, that will dramatically increase your business results? What would you pay to discover that switch and find out how to make it work? How badly do you want it? On a scale of one to ten, one being “I don’t care” and ten being, “I will walk naked with my hair on fire over broken glass and scorpions in front of my worst enemies during the Superbowl”, are you a fifteen? Will you INSIST on success?
Many salespeople and entrepreneurs drag a smelly old “employee mindset” to their efforts; they focus on what they did, reporting on their actions, without majoring on the results they have achieved, almost as though they have to justify themselves. They accept the results they get based on three things: Their level of motivation, their history (past results) and the history of others in their industry, and those from whom they learn.
Years ago, I trained the salespeople in a Nissan car dealership. The average salesperson sold four cars in their first month. We agreed that we would all tell new salespeople that the average sales by a new salesperson in their first month was fifteen cars, and that they would be summarily fired if they sold anything less. Then we partnered them with the top salespeople as mentors in their first month. The average sales soared to 13 in the first month by new salespeople. BUT, as soon as they found out what the REAL sales average was, and that they wouldn’t be fired as threatened, their sales immediately plummeted like a lead balloon to the average level!
At the same dealership, a character arrived at my training session with a long, hippy, dirty, environmentalist beard. I said, “If I was your boss, I would tell you to shave off that scraggly beard or find another job. Your sales will immediately quadruple if you shave it off.” The next day, he showed up without having removed the pathetic beard. Why? He was not sufficiently motivated; his beard was more important to him than keeping his job. What would happen if I threatened to kill his inbred family if he didn’t shave his beard off?
Here is how to throw the switch that will switch you to high octane rocket fuel, unprecedented success, and make you rich:
1. You have to be highly motivated. I ask salespeople, “Can you double your sales next month?” They naturally answer, “No”, because they have to justify their past results, their expectations are limited to those around them, and their present beliefs and self-esteem put a glass ceiling on what they can achieve, and they are reasonably comfortable with their present income. So then I ask, “If you knew without a doubt that your beloved family would be slaughtered if you don’t double your sales next month, can you do it now?” Oh, yes. What changed? Their WHY. The HOW and their lame excuses suddenly became irrelevant. Find your WHY. Understand the consequences of failure.
2. You can do a lot more than you think once you have a serious, compelling, urgent reason to accomplish a specific, measurable goal within a definite time frame, with terrible consequences looming should you miss the mark. You called ten people yesterday? Could you call thirty or forty if I had a gun to your head? Could you quadruple your intensity, discipline, activity, enthusiasm, and determination? Sure you could, if I was standing next to your bare butt with a red-hot branding iron! (The brand has a dollar sign on it.)
3. You have to have very specific RESULT goals, so you can’t hide behind lukewarm, half-hearted activity. And there has to be a wonderful reward to accomplishing them and a scary consequence if you don’t.
4. You are only allowed to deal with, communicate with, learn from, associate with, and sell to WINNERS. No losers or their friends are allowed within four miles of you, or in your e mail, on the phone, or in the mail. Nothing. And you have to learn to ASK for what you want. The more you ask for, the more you will get. Ask for the sale every time.
5. ALL your input - what you see, read, listen to, watch, and hear, has to be a diet of success, carefully chosen for the maximum results. Input = output.
6. When you reach this level of self discipline and clarity, commitment and motivation, especially when you are surrounded by people who are more successful than you are and to whom you are committed and responsible, your self-esteem will skyrocket and you will start expecting a lot more of yourself and others. You will have very little competition. You will no longer compromise, make or accept excuses, or focus on actions. You will only measure RESULTS.
Remain flexible on the HOW, but never shift on your WHY. Become a laser-focused money machine, a determined DollarMaker, a warrior, an unstoppable, bullet-proof missile. See my DVD, How to Create a Bulletproof Mindset. Daily, consistent, persistent, focused, passionate action will be combination that opens any safe you want. You can do this.
Robin J. Elliott