I Challenge You!

And when you took a good, hard look at the real, bottom line return on your investment of time, money and lost opportunities, it was miniscule, if anything. You know that and I know that, because I also tried all of those things. When I looked at the cost and risk, I factored in all the time spent traveling to lunches, parking, gas, the cost of the mediocre food, responding to all the spam and e mails, fending off desperate salespeople who met me at these events, the cost of the Membership itself, the time spent serving on committees, all the adverts that didn’t work… a lot of wasted time, money and energy. I figured the real cost of belonging to any club was well over $2,000 per year plus a lot of time and frustration. And very little, if any, results.
What would the following package be worth to you?
$ Membership of an exclusive, worldwide Club where the Members abide by a strict Code of Ethics or get kicked out. And some get turned down for Membership, too. All members want to do Joint Ventures with you and all are prepared to pay you for all resulting business.
$ Access to all other Members through a Password-protected, searchable website and listing on same site.
$ Monthly, local Members Only Meetings where available.
$ Two Members Only Conference Calls per month.
$ Free Members Only Conventions with top speakers, Masterminding, Awards Dinner, training. (Only pay for your food.)
$ Use of the Members Only logo on your websites, stationary, corporate clothing, signage, etc.
$ Four weekly e newsletters and on-going training in Joint Ventures.
$ A very lucrative Members Only Commission Structure, supported by Replicator Websites, seminars, conference calls, etc., all the tools you need to earn a considerable monthly income.
Joint Ventures offered to you on a regular basis.
I would consider this value $4,000 per year. It’s not; it’s only $197 per year for full Membership in the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum.
Why is this Membership so affordable? Our purpose in creating this Forum was to find, educate, and assess potential JV partners for ourselves. It’s working – we now have hundreds of partners to choose from around the world and we’re growing all the time. We make most of our money from JV’s.
I challenge you: If you can find a better deal, grab it. If not, join us now at www.DollarMakers.com
Robin J. Elliott