Do Less! Think More!

When I applied to immigrate to Canada, I used my training, certification, and credentials in Work Study (Organization and Methods) to qualify for acceptance.
Dictionary: “Work Study noun 1. An investigation of the most efficient way of doing a job, especially with regard to time and effort.”
When people say, “work smarter, not harder”, they remind us that we are no longer laboring in the Industrial Age. In this Information Age, there are literally no limitations on people who use their heads instead of their hands to create value. Laborers and other people who sell their time may as well be slaves. They’re really no better off than prisoners! When you sell your time, you sell pieces of your life that you will never be able to recover. You should only spend time on things you absolutely love doing. If you make money into the bargain, that’s great. But few people get rich by selling time.
By using Joint Ventures to borrow and leverage other peoples’ underutilized time, resources, credit, reputation, services, equipment and products, you don’t recreate the wheel and you Fast Forward your success in a win/win way. Together, we can do amazing things. Successful people and businesses piggyback on distribution, advertising and access, so they alter the time and effort equation. As a Work Study Officer, I found ways to remove entire sections from work processes and still get the same results. When I was asked to do Work Study in a government department, I showed them how to fire 40 people and still get the same results. Unfortunately, government is more interested in politics than profit, so they turned down my proposal. I fired my boss and started my own business. Louis Boschoff gave me a Tony Robbins book as an “Independence Day Gift” and I took my skills into the wonderful world of capitalism instead of bureaucratic collectivism.
When you think more about leverage (the more you learn, the more you earn), you can work less and have more time to play and have fun. Louis Boschoff bought a real estate office (with no money or risk) and became a millionaire in two years. He applied what his farmer father had taught him. This article is dedicated to the memory of that smart man who taught me much. Thanks, Louis. Rest In Peace, my friend.
Robin J. Elliott