What a Smart Man!

Reputation / Credibility:
He was introduced to me by someone for whom I have the greatest respect and admiration, and I was told that that they had known one another for 18 years. He did everything he said he would do, attended my seminar, showed up on time, joined the JV Forum and has attends every Bootcamp. He’s never late for meetings and always well prepared. He returns calls and e-mails promptly.
Business Concept:
He bases his business on many years of success and experience, offering a product that can be used by the vast majority of adults who definitely know that they need it. Wide demographic who wants and needs what he sells. Great margins. Clearly communicated message. Backed by solid research and proof.
Business opportunity format where the person buying the bizop actually makes money, unlike many other scams. No selling required, piggyback on large retailers. Full support and he gets you in the door. Best of all, he is riding on the wave of thousands of saddened MLM’ers who had their business closed down but still believe fervently in their product – (the same as his, but his is better!) they can now join him and get a really good deal in a real business for a change. And his affordable product offer has massive added value as well.
Big Picture
His big picture is enormous – an exciting vision based on real distribution, real, increasing need and a win/ win deal.
Barriers to Entry
Laughable – easily affordable – under $15,000 – and no selling or guessing required.
Here is someone who has thought through his business, used his experience, and put together a very compelling offer. It’s nice to see that there are still ethical, smart entrepreneurs out there who have something worthwhile to offer people who are serious about success. For more information on this opportunity, e-mail me.
Robin J. Elliott www.DollarMakers.com