Handcuffed by Your Own Product / Service?

Are you imprisoned and limited by your business? Does your business own you? Are you restricted and constrained by the very products and services that you hoped would set you financially free? Are you hobbled and crippled by the very product you believe in and spend your life marketing? Perhaps it’s time to take off the blinders, shake off the shackles of conventional, industrial-age business, and leap the boundaries of income potential.
It’s sad to see entrepreneurs slaving for years to sell a product or service that nobody wants, while they sink slowly into the stinking quicksand of disappointment, pessimism, cynicism and financial ruin. It’s depressing to observe good people who insist on limiting their opportunity to a single product or service. They leave millions of dollars on the table over the duration of their business career. Worse still, most of them are blissfully unaware of the lost opportunities; although “bliss” is not something they’re familiar with… It’s time to emerge victorious from the quagmire of financial incarceration, wash off the old thinking and skip happily down the grassy path of abundance.
You were taught by people, who didn’t know any better, to FOCUS, that NICHE MARKET, long hours, hard work, sacrifice (read FAMILY), high risk, and sleepless nights would eventually allow you to succeed in business. That was true, years ago. Now we live in the information age and things have changed. Entrepreneurs wouldn’t think of traveling to work in a horse-drawn buggy or giving up their silly little Blackberries, yet they insist on using a business model that closely resembles a squeaky ox wagon, while a shiny, new Lexus is readily available – at no cost! And while this good news should be greeted with much applause, relief and excitement, I find their ears are clogged and their eyes blinded by that smelly old swamp water, so they snort derisively at any suggestion of a better alternative. Their skepticism is understandable. They’ve had enough exposure to conmen, coaches, consultants, and schemes and dreams to last them a long time. These jaded business warriors either have money and no time, or time and no money, but they don’t have time AND money.
Think about the typical “Financial Planner” – what if you don’t want more financial planning but you do want to buy a house, a computer, and a holiday? The insurance salesman will flounce off to find another client, whereas as he could easily have made more money (read PROFIT) by brokering the house, holiday and computer, with very little time, than he could selling you a life insurance policy or some mutual funds. And what if you did by insurance from him? Could he still help you find that house, computer and holiday as well and get paid for it? Of course he could. See, when you get your ego out of your eyes, you find all sorts of treasure.
Think about this: if you had no overhead, no employees, no inventory, no risk, no leases, no royalties to pay, no geographical or demographic limitations, and if you could sell any product or service, and earn residual income at 100% margin, would that be a good thing? Especially if it took very little time and could earn you an unlimited amount of money? Now, before you slam the lid of your laptop so that you can stagger off to the next networking meeting that is populated by other desperate, self-employed salespeople who also have no money, hear me out. Before you turn your jaundiced eye away, I challenge you to read the next paragraph. It will change your life if you understand it.
Instead of rejecting any business that doesn’t pertain to your own product or service, why not broker the products and services of other people, and earn on-going commissions, at 100% profit? Use other peoples’ time, money, equipment, risk, expertise and skills. You’ve heard of Other Peoples’ Money. That was old Aristotle Onassis, remember? Well, don’t limit yourself to their money – take it all. Brokers are smart – they spend little time and make lots of money. No selling, no risk, no overhead, no problem. All they do is link supply and demand and get paid. They create multiple streams of passive income.
So stop worrying and start looking beyond the marsh of debt, frustration and linear thinking. Mr. Onassis said, “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” Focus of www.DollarMakers.com and see how Joint Ventures can get you out of those pesky handcuffs and onto the nearest Club Med beach.
Robin J. Elliott