Drag Queens, Elvis Impersonators, and Sports Fanatics vs. The Real Thing.
Rika recently attended a great Red Hat event and had lots of fun. They had an Elvis impersonator doing his thang and everyone enjoyed themselves. Which made me wonder why so many of us live vicariously through other people and wear our carefully crafted outfits and masks. Like the fool I met in a Scottish quilt at an event. I asked him when he had immigrated from Scotland and he revealed that he was born and bred in Canada and had never even been out of the country. Why not be proud of your own country, instead of pretending to be a Scot? Nothing wrong with Scots – I’m an Elliott – but I’m not Scottish, am I? Do you think so little of yourself and your own identity that you have to pretend to be someone else?
When I was 20 years old I asked my older German friend, Klaus, what he thought about pornography. He replied, “Robin, I don’t watch other people – I do or I don’t do.” I have never forgotten that simple, yet profound advice. When his sports team wins, the fanatic shouts jubilantly, “WE won!” And when the team loses, this couch potato simpers, “THEY lost”. He is not a creator or a participant. He lives vicariously through “his” sports team. He is too weak and insipid to play the sport so he gives advice from the sidelines. People live their lives through their children, their elected officials, their groups, service clubs, and cults – why not live your OWN life and be yourself?
There’s nothing wrong with belonging and being proud of your associations, enjoying your sports team and supporting your church. It’s when your own identity gets suppressed and put on hold for the “greater good” or when your self-esteem is so low that you only feel important by association. Be proud of whom you are. Stand up for what you believe in. Be an individual. Create your own reality and success. Take off the costumes, disguises, wigs and false personas. Balding men who grow ponytails and beards and use comb-overs to avoid reality, and aging female realtors who have fifteen year old photos of themselves on their business cards are a good example of a poor self-image. Reject the collectivism in our society and be an individual.
Ayn Rand said, "Men have been taught that it is a virtue to agree with others. But the creator is the man who disagrees. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to swim with the current. But the creator is the man who goes against the current. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to stand together. But the creator is the man who stands alone." A great book (my personal all-time favorite) that will help you to take back your life is Atlas Shrugged
Robin J. Elliott www.DollarMakers.com