The Easy Way to Win with Joint Ventures

Imagine you at Club Med. Azure ocean, white sand, swaying palms. But you have been locked in small, dark, smelly a room with brick walls. Outside, resting in a deckchair and sipping ice-cold pina coladas, there is a courier waiting for you with ten million dollars if you can get out of the room within 24 hours. Your dreams are waiting for you just beyond the walls of your prison, and you have 24 hours to change your life. You are armed with a heavy, strong steel hammer.
At which point will you take action and start breaking a hole through the wall? At which point will you decide you need to rest, sleep, or “kick back”? How hard will you work, and how much action will you take? Will you stop when you get a little blister of your hand? Will you whine, “It’s just not fair”? What will it take for you to quit? Will you try to call the government or your mommy to help you? Will you start blaming George Bush, your parents and the dog next door for your predicament, or will you enthusiastically smash away at that wall with gusto and passion, knowing that you will work hard for two days to live the rest of your life in luxury?
We have limited time and unlimited opportunities. We have all the tools we need and all the support required to make our dreams come true. There is an abundance of money, fun, success, and happiness to be had for those few who are determined, persistent, hard working and focused. We’re all in our own little prisons, and we all have the opportunity to get out and skip along the beach with more money than we need. DollarMakers offers you the hammer and the opportunity, but you have to break your walls down. Those walls of conditioning, skepticism, pessimism, pride, and scarcity thinking have to come down, and we have limited time.
In my twenty years of business experience, I have found that your success is not determined by your education, age, circumstances or background, but by your attitude, beliefs and level of motivation. After all, if you didn’t believe that courier was sitting outside your cell with ten million dollars and you enjoyed the dank, cold closet because you could smoke putrid cigarettes and sleep without disturbance, why would you even pick that hammer up? The fact is that persistent, unwavering, and consistent action gets remarkable results. Dogged determination and steadfast commitment make you unstoppable and guarantee your success.
I created a special DVD recently to help you achieve a bulletproof mindset that will turn you into a force to be reckoned with. You will become the hammer. For more information, Click here now.
Robin J. Elliott