
I was catatonic in the shower, just staring at the wall tiles and thinking – not a new experience, as I am wont to get stuck in my head on a regular occasion – while the water poured over me. I remembered when we landed in Canada as new immigrants with four suitcases and some money ten years ago. We’d never been to Canada before and we came because statistically, Canada is the best country to live in in the world, and Vancouver the best city in the world to live. It has since dropped to third place after Lausanne and Bern in Switzerland, largely because of the traffic. We’d never been to Canada before and we knew not a living soul. I was about to turn 45 and we were excited to start a new life. In retrospect, it was the right decision, no question about it.
We took the first month off, then incorporated the business, printed flyers, and business cards and started joint venturing. Within three months, we had a livable income. Now the reason for my trance in the shower was that I imagined what would have happened had I met myself at that time. Imagine if this balding, 54 year old character had sidled up and said, “Hey, Robin, I’m Robin. This is what I can do for you: I will link you up with over 500 people in nine different countries that want to do JV’s with you and pay you. They have all agreed to abide by our code of business ethics and the dishonest ones get fired, plus they understand JV’s, unlike 99% of the owners of small and medium-sized businesses.
I will give you all the tools, support, local meetings, conventions, conference calls, training, access and help you need to create a livable passive income with no cost or risk and very little time. In fact, if you work hard, you can retire in two years. Everything you need is available to you – tried, tested, and proven in this new culture in this new country. You don’t have to waste time or money or find out what doesn’t work. You don’t need to kiss so many frogs to find princes; we have a whole stable of them. You don’t have to interview hundreds of losers and posers and conmen – I can fast track your career as a JV Broker. All the resources you could ever need are already available to you right now through JV’s with hundreds of other Members. All for a thousand dollars.” In fact, you can get it all through our Home Study Program for only $597, including your own website, ready-made JV’s and all you need to succeed magnificently.”
What do you think my response would have been? What’s yours? Of all the no brainers, this is the biggest. The only people who would shun this opportunity are either so negatively conditioned, cynical, and pessimistic that they are condemned to mediocrity and frustration, or people who don’t need more money. Those with an IQ over 100 and an iota of optimism and self-esteem grab the opportunity like a fluttering thousand dollar bill on a windy day on a busy street. As Mr. Frost told us, “Two roads diverged in a wood…” Choose. Today. While you still can. For more information, visit
Robin J. Elliott