“It Doesn’t Work”

I bumped into a fellow who bought a home-based business from me some years back. He whined continuously that the business doesn’t work and that he “lost” his money. I asked him how one of his competitors is doing. This competitor paid more for his business, got far less support, and works in exactly the same market. Oh, the competitor, he replies, is doing just great! Even bought new equipment – business is booming for him! So it’s not the business that doesn’t work – it’s the person.
When I started selling life insurance many years ago, I asked the usual mindless question: “How much money can I make in this business?” My manager took me to a corner office and pointed at the door. “This is where Samuel works, Robin. He makes millions and he loves his work. He has helped many people.” Then he walked me down the hall to another office. “This is where Colin works. He started in this business the exact same day that Samuel started. He is deep in debt, makes no money, and hates the insurance business. You have the choice to be like Samuel or like Colin. You get the same tools, the same training, same products, same market, same pricing. What you do with the opportunity will determine your income. It’s up to you!”
Gloria Steinem said, "The future depends entirely on what each of us does every day." We created the circumstances we experience today, and we are constantly creating the future, which starts today. Success begins with the acknowledgement that I create my life and that if it’s to be, it’s up to me. The blame game doesn’t work in the real world. If you’re unhappy, you became unhappy by choice. If you’re poor, it’s your own fault. If you’re married to a swine, it’s your fault, too – you agreed to marry him. And if you’re rich, happy, and successful, it’s your doing – take credit for it. You can play the victim game all day long, but it’s not going to solve your problems. In fact, what it will do is chase away all the winners in your life. Winners won’t tolerate a victim mentality for long.
Someone told me I’m “lucky” to live in Canada and not in South Africa anymore. I create my own “luck”. I make it happen. I take responsibility for my successes as well as my failures. In today’s world, many people use the “I was abused as a child”, “my Daddy hit me”, “I was ripped off”, “my wife doesn’t understand me” – get over it. Nobody buys that anymore except people like you. I know some very successful people who had horrendous upbringings and they never complain or even mention it. Winners use those bad experiences as stepping stones, not as trophies and excuses. If you failed, YOU failed. Not the world, not the business, not the market. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, stop whining, wipe your nose, dry your eyes, and get on with life. It’s not too late. It’s OK to fail; everyone does. Did you fall off your bicycle when you were learning to ride it? Of course you did. Does that mean you never learned to ride it?
Today, the world is at your feet. You will never be as young as you are today, ever again in this life. You are surrounded by wonderful opportunities. Get off you tail, get back on your horse, and let’s ride!
Robin J. Elliott www.DollarMakers.com