Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Poo on Your Shoe

Rika and I just returned from a long walk around Lafarge Lake, which is a block and a half from where we live. It’s a lovely lake. We watched the baby ducklings, saw some huge Koi fish, talked with a fisherwoman, and enjoyed the spring sunshine and lovely trees. When we got home, Rika asked me to get some dog poo off her shoe. All this beauty, and small spot of poo can really distract one. I immediately went to work to scrape it off.

What is the “Poo on your Shoe”? Someone with a bad attitude that brings you down or pours the cold water of pessimism on your dreams when you talk with them?
Scrap 'em off!
Guilt that you have harbored for years and yet it still contaminates your happiness?
Scrape it off!
A bad habit or a guilty pleasure?
Get scraping!
Time leeches that waste your precious time?
Scrape them off!
Negative and disempowering beliefs?
Wash them away with the cleansing power of positive input from positive people.
If the poo makes you blue, you know what to do: Scrape, baby, scrape!

You could leave it there, smelling the place up and spoiling your fun, but why not take action and get rid of it? Some people carry the stuff around for years, sabotaging their success. Bad people, bad ideas, bad choices, bad relationships – scrape it off, friend, scrape it off. No more poo for you!

So next time you put down the phone after talking with a loser and you get that smell in your nostrils, next time you find that you have wasted time of junk movies or books instead of working on making your dreams come true, you know what it is – it’s the demon poo! Scrape. You’ll feel better. Just tell yourself, “It’s OK, just poo on my shoe. I know what to do.”

Robin J. Elliott