“I Don’t Understand”

If you’re an idealist, a visionary, self disciplined and driven, you have probably heard the words, “I don’t understand” more times than you would like to remember. You can make something ridiculously simple, yet you will still find people suggesting you “simplify” the idea even more. You suggest they read a book and they whine because “it’s a thick book”, but if you added all the TV programs, People Magazines, romance novels and sports pages they slobber over, it’s not about volume at all. Be not discouraged. This is to remind you that you’re right on track.
Yes. If you don’t have people whimpering that they don’t understand, that “You’ll upset people”, that you’re unrealistic, abrasive, money mad and / or rebellious, you’re a wimp. Hate mail is a compliment to winners. When the mystics attack you, you’re on target. When you have dunces announce that your laughably uncomplicated idea “doesn’t make sense” and you get asked to repeat it for the twentieth time, you’re doing the right thing. There are only three things to remember in order to maintain your perspective and sanity: IQ, Excuses and Pareto.
First of all, the average IQ is 100. Most people are simply too stupid to understand you. They’re so conditioned and confused that they will never comprehend what you’re teaching. Their frame of reference is so limited and stifled that they think no further than the next cigarette, football game or makeup counter. My Dad used to say, “You can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear.” You can’t make people smart. They get it or they don’t get it. When I present a seminar, my benchmark is the few people in the room with whom I would like to do business. If they like and understand my message, I’ve done my job.
Secondly, people will make excuses to avoid the fact that they have no ambition, guts, or self-esteem. “That ‘Atlas Shrugged’ book is far too big to read – I don’t have the time”. BS – you have 24 hours a day, just like me. You’re just threatened. Turn Jerry Springer off and learn to read, buddy. “I don’t understand – you need to explain that again” – I have news for you, moron – you will never understand, because if you did it would mean that you have to take responsibility for your miserable life and your future.
And thirdly, we know that Vilfredo Pareto explained the “vital few and trivial many” – 20% of people produce 80% of the results. I humbly submit that he was a generous optimist. Try 95 – 5. OK, let’s be nice – 10% of people are worth your time, at best. Sure, you can offer your pearls to the whole world, but only 10% will grab the ball and run with it. The swine will trample and waste them. You have to kiss 95 frogs to find a prince. Get some wart medicine and get used to it. The tall trees catch the wind and the top of the ladder is never crowded. If you want to be a tall tree, learn to love the wind. Embrace it as evidence that you’re winning. Let’s be very selective, very realistic, and very protective of our time and resources. Invest in the 10% of people who take responsibility, have brains, and are motivated and honest.
By all means, put your quest on the fast track by remembering this. Forget about political correctness, trying to please all the people all of the time and adjusting your sails to accommodate the brain dead. Compromise leads to mediocrity. Mediocrity is a cancer that will undermine you success, slow you down and hurt your mission. Be strong and courageous. If you're honest an your motive is pure, by all means tell the truth and set some people free. When the going gets tough, you get tougher and more determined. Surround yourself with winners, and fight on.
Robin J. Elliott www.DollarMakers.com