A Power to Weight Ratio of More than One

I often joke and say that while conventional entrepreneurs are slaving away at long hours, diminishing returns and loads of stress, Joint Venture Brokers are sitting at home watching the History Channel on TV, because hard work is history for Joint Venture Brokers. But I have to admit that I prefer the Military Channel, from whence commeth this short article.
During a fascinating show on legendary Russian military fighter planes, the words “This fighter has a power to weight ratio of more than one”, meaning that the thrust in the jets is greater than the weight of the aircraft. The same ratios apply to racing cars. It is the power the engine generates, divided by the vehicle's (or engine) weight or vice versa. It is an indication of likely performance, and very important in aircraft in order to induce drag.
Conventional businesses are heavily weighed down by seasonality, oevrhead, insurance costs, shrinking margins, high labor costs, inventory, geographic and demographic limitations, time restraints and competition. The heavier, the business, the more energy (power) and work is required by the oentrepreneur who thinks he owns the business. So his power to weight ratio is not great. When he gets tired or sick or when he loses key employees or large clients, he reaches down between his knees and grabs the pull handle of his ejection seat, because like 90% of other small business, his plane is going down.
Optimize your energy and shift your power to weight ratio to that of a high performance, lightning fast, vicious stealth fighter by shedding the weight and drag of overhead, risk, cost and limitations through the power of Joint Ventures. Turn all your income into 100% pure profit. Joint Venture Brokers make more profit with one, simple phone call than many entrepreneurs make in two weeks of hard work in the trenches.
Replace your old Sopwith Camel with an F-22 Raptor. Soar to new heights and strike any market, anywhere, with impunity and maximum effect. Joint Venture technology is profound in its simplicity. I run my JV brokerage business with no overhead, employees, restraints, costs, inventory or limitations, and a 100% profit margin, and so can you. You will never do business the same way again. For training, support, membership and more, visit www.DollarMakers.com now.
Robin J. Elliott