Take Your Self Out and the Money will Flow In

I received an e-mail from someone in Europe today. His question was why, since he was inexperienced in business and had no contacts or inventory or service to sell, anyone would want to do business with him. My answer was simply, “They won’t want to do business with you. But they would want to GET business from you, and they would send you money.”
See, nobody is interested in you, or who you are, what your product is, or how much experience you have – nobody cares! YOU are not important. What they ARE very interested in is selling their own products and services and making money. THAT is what is important to them. So when you realize that and take yourself and your ego out of the equation, you can start making money. When someone is dying of thirst in the desert and you show up with ice-cold, fresh water for sale, nobody asks for your resume and the price of the water is no longer important to him or her. No selling required.
Successful, properly trained Joint Venture Brokers understand this. They don’t brag about their trumped-up resumes and testimonials or their “qualifications” – they simply concentrate on getting people what they want – linking them up with solutions and customers – and being well paid for it. JV Brokers don’t care too much about details and they certainly don’t waste other peoples’ time with minutiae until the deal is about to go live. They are result oriented. They are problem solvers. They are the conduit, the catalyst, the bridge, the solution, the physician, the broker. When you are carrying gold coins around in a rusty old bucket, what is important? The bucket or the gold coins? The gold coins represent the deal, the money, the solution. YOU ARE THE RUSTY BUCKET.
So when next you leap enthusiastically up from your chair at some local networking meeting, ready to pitch your product or service or litter the table with your little flyers, remember: NOBODY CARES. They simply tolerate you until they get the chance to repeat the foolishness. Still don’t believe me? Try this intricate and intellectually challenging exercise if you dare: Would you rather talk about your kids or my kids? OK, you might not particularly like your kids. How about this one: Would you prefer to discuss your holiday and your goals or mine? That’s right! YOURS. And other people feel the same way. Your background, education, experience, and qualifications are redundant, superfluous. You’re a well-paid channel, is all. You could say, if you were a mystic charlatan, that your job as a JV Broker is to “Channel money”.
By now, I hope your confidence level as pertains to your ability to broker lucrative deals and enjoy the process, has skyrocketed to unprecedented heights. Get rid of that ego – it’s distracting and it will interfere with the success of your Joint Ventures.
Robin J. Elliott www.DollarMakers.com