Friday, February 15, 2008


Dear Robin,
I wanted to thank you for your efforts on behalf of all Dollarmaker members. I would like to tell you of one circumstance whereby the information you provided saved my family up front costs of $125,000, provided us with an income of $50,000/year, and passive income from the business of $30,000/year. More importantly, the income from this medical facility has allowed me to stop being on-call on nights and weekends, and to spend more time with my family, other businesses, and our passion for helping parents help their own children. The patients, my partners, and my family are all delighted.
I am a Respiratory Specialist Physician and based on patient need was going to set up a medical laboratory in my field. My family was going to put out the upfront capital and was going to pay for a location, advertising, and operational costs for this business along with dealing with the uncertainty as to whether our facility was going to be a preferred provider compared to other services available. My wife attended one of your Bootcamps 101 alone as I was at work and she purchased your workbook. I read the material that very night and decided to make some big changes to my proposal.
In exchange for profit which I was going to have to share anyway, I negotiated that since I had intellectual capital, qualification, and a track record of being able to set up this facility, that the other partners should put up the money and that I should be paid a consultation fee. In return, the patients of the partners would have first access (a tremendous advantage in the setting of limited resources) and the partners would have equity share. They agreed and this led to the current agreement and the results listed above.
The power of a different way of thinking, information, and action are incredible. Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,

Kumar Ramlall, BSc,MD,FRCPC,FAAP,FCCP,(Ped. Resp) Feb 13, 2008

Another Testimonial:

"Robin Elliott's teaching has changed the way I do business. I used to think building a business was risky and expensive. Robin showed me how to build my business using no money and no risk; just some time . Not only did I get to meet some winners by going to the boot camp, Robin has continued to take an interest in my success often taking time to respond to my queries. By adding just 1 of his strategies to my experience, IN MY EXISTING BUSINESS, I make an additional $5000 per month. It's not completely work free; I still put in about 8 hours per month maintaining it. Not everything I have tried has worked, and a couple have outright failed; but in spite of that within 7 months of attending his boot camp I was financially free. The point is that besides the initial cost of the boot camp there was no risk whatsoever. I highly recommend anyone looking to take the risk out of business and increase your profits attend this next boot camp. I'll be there!" ~ Patrick Giesbrecht, Abbotsford, BC October, 2007

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