Acres of Joint Venture Diamonds

You have probably heard the story, “Acres of Diamonds”, about a farmer who goes bankrupt but learns from a wealthy merchant about the riches to be had by discovering diamonds. The merchant tells the poor farmer that diamonds can be found where there is running water and white sand, so the farmer sells his farm, ships his family off to live with relatives, and journeys forth to search for diamonds and wealth.
Years later, he returns destitute and sickly, to find that his wife and family are gone. Near death, he decides to visit his old farm one more time before he passes on. When he arrives at his farm, he hardly recognizes it – the ramshackle farmhouse has been replaced with a mansion and the new owner is a rich man. When the farmer inquires as to this newfound wealth, the rich man replies, “When you offered me your farm for sale, the first thing that I noticed was the white sand and running water. That’s why I bought your farm; you were literally walking on acres of diamond, but you sold it and went far away to look for wealth.”
Many of our esteemed Members search far and wide for new Joint Venture opportunities, when one of the safest and most lucrative options is right here under your feet in the form of an In-House JV Broker Bootcamp. We have all the marketing material and tools, expertise, support, credibility, track record, and branding required to help you make it work, plus your back-end income opportunities are already in place and trackable. And you can do it all with no cost or risk.
The In-House Bootcamp JV is simple – you cover all your costs with Sponsorships and pay us a small flat fee of $5,000. You sell as many seats as you like @ $500 each and keep all the profit, plus all the back-end commissions that are generated by the Bootcamp. Your only limitation is in securing a date that is available. We show you what to do and how to do it. After 20 years in this business, we know what works. In order to qualify, you need to be a Member of the Forum with a Replicator Website, and not all applications are accepted. Look under your feet, and you’ll see white sand and running water. For more information, contact the DollarMakers General Manager Jim Kennedy at
Robin J Elliott