"Are You Denying Yourself Prosperity?"
There are people who believe so sincerely in their own failure, who wallow so successfully in guilt and self-pity, and who love so dearly the idea of being able to leech off successful people, that they purposefully and consciously refuse to prosper. They are determined to be liars and losers and to blame the world, their parents, and their neighbors for their misery. These people are to be avoided like the plague. They refuse to be helped and they will be a drain on your patience and eventually on your ammunition box when you put them out of their misery and save the world some valuable time and energy.
These are the pitiful types who refuse to take responsibility for thier own lives and therefore refuse any opportunity to better themselves. Whatever option you offer them to make money and succeed, they will attack, and the rest of their flock will support their self-defeating decision to the hilt. They are pefect examples of the Self-fulfilling prophecy. They are pessimists extraordinaire, but they do it with a smile (and a hug, if you let them). When you associate yourself with these parasites, you are setting yourself up for a financial haemorage. You will be thrown off course and find yourself majoring in minors, losing your belief and enthusiasm, and focusing on what you don't want.
You will deny yourself prosperity and success when you partner with these sheeple. Do not accept them as clients, associates, downline, upline, or sideline. Don't mix with them or their friends. Rather wander alone than with a loser. Protect your mind from the insidious poison of these dangerous deadbeats, these fungal freeloaders. Judge them by the company they keep, by all means. People who hang around with bloodsuckers are seldom billionaires. So next time you meet one of these poisonous pathogens, turn tail and run for the hills. Your bank account and sanity can't afford them. You don't deserve them, and they certainly don't deserve you.
Rather have five good, productive, creative, inspiring, honest, responsible friends that a host of incompetents and wanna-be's. Talk to three good people and be inspired, rather than be exasperated by a lot of nonstarters. Don't deny yourself the good life by deliberately poisoning the well. Find the 3% and reject the 97%.
Robin J. Elliott www.DollarMakers.com
These are the pitiful types who refuse to take responsibility for thier own lives and therefore refuse any opportunity to better themselves. Whatever option you offer them to make money and succeed, they will attack, and the rest of their flock will support their self-defeating decision to the hilt. They are pefect examples of the Self-fulfilling prophecy. They are pessimists extraordinaire, but they do it with a smile (and a hug, if you let them). When you associate yourself with these parasites, you are setting yourself up for a financial haemorage. You will be thrown off course and find yourself majoring in minors, losing your belief and enthusiasm, and focusing on what you don't want.
You will deny yourself prosperity and success when you partner with these sheeple. Do not accept them as clients, associates, downline, upline, or sideline. Don't mix with them or their friends. Rather wander alone than with a loser. Protect your mind from the insidious poison of these dangerous deadbeats, these fungal freeloaders. Judge them by the company they keep, by all means. People who hang around with bloodsuckers are seldom billionaires. So next time you meet one of these poisonous pathogens, turn tail and run for the hills. Your bank account and sanity can't afford them. You don't deserve them, and they certainly don't deserve you.
Rather have five good, productive, creative, inspiring, honest, responsible friends that a host of incompetents and wanna-be's. Talk to three good people and be inspired, rather than be exasperated by a lot of nonstarters. Don't deny yourself the good life by deliberately poisoning the well. Find the 3% and reject the 97%.
Robin J. Elliott www.DollarMakers.com