Sunday, January 22, 2006


A man returns from a visit to his physician. On the way home, he stops by a medical center and buys a variety of surgical instruments. He drops into the local library and takes out some books. Then he buys a nurse’s outfit. When he gets home, he tells his wife, “The doctor told me I need my appendix removed. I asked him a number of questions, and the good new is that we don’t need him! Why should we spend thousands on an operation, when I could buy everything we need for a few hundred? Read these books tonight, and tomorrow you can don the uniform and operate on me. Now haven’t you got a smart husband?”

IDIOT, right? Right. Many people have this same, cheap mentality. Why do you need a Burger King franchise when your mother makes such great burgers and you can buy used restaurant equipment? Is it arrogance, ignorance or a combination of both that encourages people to make such silly choices? “I don’t need that techie to fix my computer! He charges an arm and a leg. I’ll do it myself!” Well, the techie loves to hear that, because a week later, after messing his computer up even more, that same fool will beg the techie to help him, at any cost. He will carry the techie on his back through crocodile-infested swamps and then make him tea… And perhaps the techie will charge a little more…

When my car breaks, I call Ray. When my computer breaks, I call Andrew. When I have accounting / tax problems, I call Raj. I don’t negotiate or haggle with them. And they solve my problems fast. I am consciously incompetent. There are very few things I’m really good at, and even in those areas there are many better than I am. I save a lot of time, money and frustration by paying experts. The same applies to Joint Ventures. We teach people, support them and encourage them in that area because we have 19 years of experience and we do this every single day. But, guess what? You have to pay to attend a Bootcamp or join the Forum. After that, we will support you. In Afrikaans, they say, “Goedkoop is duurkoop.” (Cheap is expensive.) Ever bought cheap shoes?

In Whistler, a fellow approached me at the end of a seminar I presented on Joint Ventures. He asked why the Bootcamp is “so expensive” at $997 for two people. I answered, “It’s probably not for you.” Why? Because he just revealed who he is. Successful people pay experts based on return on investment. How much does a shovel have to cost to be expensive when it is used to shovel gold into your car’s trunk?
Robin J. Elliott

Overcome Mental Blocks

I asked the bell captain to call a cab for me to get to the train station for my trip to Ottawa. He replied that, with all the freezing snow Montreal was enjoying that morning, a cab would take 45 minutes to arrive! Shock and awe – what was I to do? I had meetings and a seminar lined up in Ottawa – carefully planned down to the last minute. I couldn’t afford to miss that train! Then I realized that the bell captain was still there, talking. He was saying, “But, Mr. Elliott, why not take the underground to the train station? It’s right around the corner, here.” In only twenty minutes I was at the station via the underground, saved money on the cab and enjoyed a great, relaxing train ride to Ottawa.

When he walked into the huge seminar venue in the Toronto hotel, he seemed pretty professional and successful Well dressed and groomed, poised, aware. He handed me his business card and I was impressed. Thirty minutes into my seminar, I asked the audience, “How many of you think this looks ‘Too good to be true’?” and the same man put up his hand. Shock and awe! It was hard to believe that this sophisticated businessman was, in fact, seriously handicapped by his mental conditioning. We all are. How many wonderful opportunities have we all missed, because our conditioning got in the way? We all have mental programming that hampers and restricts us.

The same goes for technology – I searched for YEARS to find a way to record sound bytes on my computer at home and then to e mail them. It only took one e mail from Member Andrew Cavanagh in Australia, and within ten minutes I had the solution, which has been working great ever since. We don’t have money problems, we have thinking problems. And the same goes for everything else. We already have whatever we want and need – it’s all in the way we think. Understanding that we have mental blocks is the first step on the road to overcoming all obstacles on our way to success.

Other people know things that we don’t know. They have different perspectives and they know how to get to the train station. The fastest way I have discovered to getting over, under and around mental blocks is by associating with a wide variety of Eagles through our DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum. Hundreds of ethical people around the world with a Joint Venture Mindset are available to help me to succeed in a win/win way. They have different frames of reference, experience, skills, connections, access and resources that are re4adily available. We help each other to see through the mental blocks and solve problems. Together, we can do amazing things. For more information on the Forum, Click here.
Robin J. Elliott