From Whence it Comes

Would you leap naked from your steaming bathtub and run dripping to the bookstore to buy a book that was recommended to you by a conspiracy theorist?
Would you abandon your shiny new Lexus in rush hour traffic to meet someone who was referred to you by the local sociopath?
And would you deny your newborn baby daughter food for a month so that you could spend the money on an offshore investment seminar advocated by a known felon?
I think not.
One does not eagerly rent a movie suggested by someone who earnestly believes the United States is about to invade Canada. Birds of the feather, and all that jazz. We are judged by the company we keep, and losers and con artists generally share the information and contacts that fit with their choices and agendas.
By the same token, would you lie awake at night worrying about the fact that the neighbor’s dog barked at you, wondering if the carnivorous canine likes you or not, and whether or not he will tell his furry friends ugly things about you? Probably not. You take it from whence it comes. Losers generally hate winners. So when you’re attacked and discredited by a loser, take it as a well-deserved compliment.
I have learned to learn from successful people. I take the recommendations and referrals from winners very seriously. I consider the guidance of champions to be of the utmost importance. The biographies of great people are a guiding light in my life. Seek the wisdom of the wealthy and the wise, apply it to your life and reap the benefits. And please dry yourself when emerging from the bathtub.
Robin J. Elliott