How Quickly Can Your Financial Life Change?

Oh, sorry, you say, “But good things take TIME – they don’t happen fast.” Nonsense. That’s a myth. Good changes can happen very fast and we can cause that change. Read “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell. Better still, talk to any successful Joint Venture Broker. Change can happen in the blink of an eye. And change will ALWAYS come through a person. It will come through the Mavens, Connectors, and Salespeople that Mr. Gladwell talks about.
Where do you find these people? And how do you get a successful person to help you achieve your goals? You need leverage. And that comes from Joint Ventures. In order to apply the powerful systems and information in the Tipping Point, you need access to people and you need leverage on those people. Then you can apply strategies to create the rapid and wonderful change that you desire. One good person, the right person, can change your life. And yes, you do have to kiss a lot of frogs in order to find a prince.
The most successful Joint Venture Brokers I know are ACTIVE and involved. They mix with the right people and they create win/win JV’s that work well and work fast. Everyone make money, with no cost or risk. But you have to get out there and hustle. Let me put together a quick “FAST CHANGE RECIPE” for you right now.
1. Read my Joint Ventures book – free download here:
2. Read The Tipping Point
3. Join the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum and get instant access to over 450 JV Brokers.
4. Get active and involved and you will find change happening.
5. ASK for HELP if you get stuck! (Members Only)
Small, strategic changes, involving the right people, can create fast and lasting change in your business and financial life.
Robin J. Elliott