Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Here's an Offer You Might Find Difficult to Refuse...

Sell my Book and KEEP ALL THE MONEY!
That's right. As long as you don't altar or edit anything (it's copyright), you're welcome to sell my e book, "Joint Adventures", and keep all the money.
Why would I do this? Because it's great advertising for my business. You get paid to distribute my information. Win/win! I sell this download on my website for US$14.95 and we sell a lot of them.
Here it is: Click here and wait for the download:

Robin J. Elliott

Beware the “Politically Correct”

Not for Ezines

Whom would you rather trust? Someone who is politically correct, or someone who tells it like it is? Your answer will tell me a lot about you. In my experience, passive aggression, xenophobia, and dangerous motives lurk just below the reptilian skin of those who choose not to upset or embarrass anyone. Those who refuse to use words like “loser” are usually the biggest losers I ever met. They slither around, glad-handing, lying, and making promises they never intend to fulfill. Sycophants and toadies are very welcome in political circles, but not in my life.

In his excellent article, “Is Britain Now the Land of Churchill or Chamberlain?” Doug Patton writes, “The stark contrast of Great Britain’s pre-World War II prime minister, the cowardly Neville Chamberlain, with his successor, the courageous Winston Churchill, has inspired analysis for the past seven decades. Chamberlain’s name has almost become synonymous with capitulation, in much the same way the name Benedict Arnold has become tantamount to betrayal.”

When I watch Glenn Beck doing his thing on CNN, my spirit soars. At least there are some real men left in this world of liberal wimps that is slowly throwing away western civilization and offering capitalism up on the altar of multiculturalism, environmentalism, collectivism, and blatant cowardice. I have three words for the politically correct, which I borrow from a fresh-faced Tony Blair’s condemnation of John Majors: “Weak, weak, weak.” As my Mom taught me, “Someone who won’t stand for something will fall for anything.” Mr. Beck tells his viewers exactly how he feels without compromise. I trust him.

In today’s world, sixty Canadian border guards desert their posts, resulting in a six hour border delay, because the Americans mentioned that one armed criminal was heading for the border. And they get away with it! The same grim faced, cocksure people who ask the hard questions tucked their tails between their legs and ran. No problem! “They weren’t armed.” That’s their excuse. No values, no morals, everything is OK except for the truth and freedom. Illegal immigrant drug dealers have more rights than law-abiding, tax-paying entrepreneur citizens. Don’t rock the boat, don’t upset the terrorists, just roll over. We make it easy for the terrorists to recruit suicide bombers– they take one look at the way the west capitulates and bleats and they laugh all the way back to the UN.

I am sick and tired of politically correct people. I do not choose to do business with them. There is a consequence to compromise. I will not tolerate their dishonesty and sabotage. Let us seek out the politically incorrect, in-your-face, abrasive, straight-talking, real people who call a spade a spade. Let’s look for the General Pattons of the world. Let’s be brave enough to tell the truth, to stand up for what we claim to believe in, and to condemn evil. Sure, you’ll upset a few losers, but who cares? You don’t want to do business with them, anyway. We will sleep well with a clear conscience and self-respect, and the hope of a safer future.

Robin J. Elliott

The Gathering Storm

In my library at home, I have Winston Churchill’s Volume 1 of “The Second World War”, given to my Grandfather by my Dad in 1948. It’s titled, “The Gathering Storm”, and the theme of this Volume is:
“How the English-speaking peoples, through their unwisdom, carelessness, and good nature, allowed the wicked to rearm.”
I could write books on the application of this theme to today’s world, as you can imagine, but I would like to offer it as an analogy to our personal, financial lives.

Anyone in their right mind knows that there are serious changes coming to our socio-economic world, which will radically affect our financial situation, our Medicare, pensions, businesses, jobs and savings. Especially in Canada, where people have had an easy life under a semi-socialist government for a long time. Many people have their heads buried in the sand, and they refute and disregard the coming changes. Immigration, terrorism, outsourcing and macro-economic changes are about to turn the financial circumstances of millions of North Americans upside down.

The Jewish people have survived and prospered through the ages because of their understanding of, and use of, Capitalism, along with their transferable skills. Most small and medium business owners have very little understanding of business and money, evidenced by the failure of 87% of small business startups in their first five years, followed by the failure of 87% of the remaining 13% in the next five years. And they certainly don’t plan for major upheavals and changes.

If money isn’t important to you right now, ask any refugee, homeless person, sick person, poor person, struggling immigrant, downsized person, senior or single mom if money is important.

The understanding of, and use of, Joint Ventures can arm entrepreneurs and employees with a powerful, transferable skill set that can be applied under virtually any circumstances. By removing overhead and optimizing your profit margin through Joint Ventures, you can spread your income sources and expand your options internationally. Prophets are seldom welcomed and often stoned, as people kill the messenger. I have been called the Prophet of Profit. I predict major socio-economic upheavals and I offer the solution – become a Joint Venture Broker in preparation for the gathering storm. The Chinese have a saying, “Dig the well before you thirst.” I have shovels for sale.

Robin J. Elliott