Friday, September 22, 2006

Are You at A Crossroads?

Many entrepreneurs find themselves at a crossroads. They find that they’re working harder and longer hours for less money (profit) and that with the changes in our society and in business, outsourcing, downsizing, and competition from immigrants is eating into their profits. What to do? They’re too smart to go out and get a job and they’ve tried the “Consultant” route and found that most consultants are simply out of work employees that have no idea about business. I have a solution for you. The real sources of frustration in business are marketing, cashflow, margins, seasonality, selling time and limited resources. These can all be overcome quickly by changing your mindset.

The “Missing Link” in small and medium business is Joint Ventures. With JV’s, you can earn 100% profit on transactions outside of your own business scope, while at the same time growing your own business with no cost or risk, by only paying for results and performance instead of promises. Through Joint Ventures, all the resources you require are already available through other people. Think about this: If you could reduce your overhead to zero, how much money would you need? If you could increase your net margin to 100%, how many sales would you need? If you could remove all risk from your advertising and marketing budget and literally only pay for results (commissions), you would have an unlimited marketing budget. This can all be done by using Joint Ventures.

Let’s talk about your unrealized, underutilized, and highly valuable resources that you could convert into real money, real fast: You have a database (or you could quickly create one). Do you have vendors, clients, relationships, a good reputation, inventory, equipment, employees, signage, advertising, memberships of clubs, a church, service clubs, and / or Chambers of Commerce? Do you have a line of credit that is not fully utilized? Do you know people who trust and respect you? Then you have more money than you think. These resources and hidden assets can be leveraged into money through the power of Joint Ventures.

All you need is two things: access to the people to work with, that is the ONE PERCENT of owners of small and medium sized business (we can give you instant access to over 400 of them worldwide), and, secondly, the techniques to use to apply Joint Ventures. That’s what we do at DollarMakers. We can provide you the missing link and all you need to succeed. Now, that’s good news, isn’t it?
For more information, visit

Robin J. Elliott

A Story of the Eagle

My Mom sent me this story from South Africa:

"A man went through the forest searching for birds. He found a young eagle, brought it home, and put it to live among the chickens. It shared their food and learned all the habits of the chickens.
After five years, a naturalist came by. "That is not a chicken", he said. "That is an eagle. I will show you." He lifted the eagle in his hands. "Fly" he said. "You have wings for flying." But the eagle looked down, saw the chickens on the ground, and jumped down among them.
Next day, the eagle was taken to the roof of the house, and again it refused to fly. "He may have a magnificent wing-span", said the owner, "but he has the heart of a chicken."
The following day, the eagle was taken far away from the chickens to the foot of a high mountain. "Fly" he was ordered. The great eagle first looked at the ground, and hesitated. Then, raising its head, it saw the sun high in the sky. It spread its wings, lifted itself from the earth, and flew over the mountain towards the sun.
Am I an eagle who grew down to be a chicken?
Have I left unused wings that could take me over the heights to the sun?
Forgive us for the wings we have left unused, for the visions we forgot and the heights we never reached."

It’s Never Too Late. Join the Eagles of the DollarMakers Joint Vneture Forum and soar to great heights.

Robin J. Elliott

Joint Ventures Create Passive Income

Yesterday, I said to Rika, “Our monthly passive income jumped by $600 today.” She replied, “Yes, that work paid off.” There are two types of passive income that result from Joint Ventures. The first type is a quick deal, very nice, happens, and is always welcome. The second is the most common, though – it is built on relationships and reciprocity and becomes the proverbial goose that lays golden eggs. Both work. You could arrange a Joint Venture today that pays you monthly/regular passive income for years to come, and other deals take a while, but are generally more stable.

A good example of a solid foundation for a reciprocal JV foundation is the one between DollarMakers and Nathan Gilder, (pictured right) who is also a Member of the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum. Nathan is a gifted digital animator who would like more business. DollarMakers needs visual depictions to illustrate the process of Joint Ventures. I suggested to Nathan that we consider a JV where he provides us this visual communication in return for exposure via our websites, ezines ad this Blog. This is based on a very successful model that other animators used to piggyback on the exposure well-established political writers. Nathan, being a smart man, agreed. He did a fantastic job. Click Here to see the first animation he created for us with his team at Terrasynth, depicting DollarMakers as a Money Magnet.

And here’s the interesting thing: No money was exchanged, no commission structure is in place yet, and all we’re doing is building the relationship. Passive income is like water running downhill. Money always flows to value. It finds a way to get to you. If you’re creating a mountain of value for others, all the rain on the mountain will flow down to you. The rain represents money. It doesn’t always run the way you expect it to, but it always ends up in the ocean – your pocket. Value creates money. As long as your Joint Venture partners are honest, that is. And that’s why we created the Joint Venture Forum – so that honest, smart people can work together to achieve their common goals.

To feed your passive income, create massive value with the right people. Be patient, positive and professional. What goes around, comes around, and that is a law – sowing and reaping – that is as solid as the law of gravity. Just as you trust the law of gravity to prevent you from floating off across a busy highway, so you can trust the law of sowing and reaping to create multiple streams of passive, Joint Venture income. But it works a lot better when you use exact methodologies and proven Joint Venture principles, than when you just leap about, randomly doing good deeds. You can fast track your passive income by applying the JV technology provided by DollarMakers. Instead of scattering your seeds on rocky ground, you can plant your efforts in fertile ground and work with credible professionals like Nathan Gilder. To learn more, visit

Robin J. Elliott