Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Don't Sacrifice Your Spectacular Future forYour Spoiled Past!

The past is not equal to the future. The only thing you can control in life is your reaction to your circumstances and opportunities, and when you control your reaction to and interpretation of your circumstances in a positive way, you can create any future you want. You can go through life looking through the rear-0view mirror at your past, or you can start creating a wonderful future - and the future starts RIGHT NOW. Isn't that exciting?

You can let the sad past pull you down, disempower you, discourage you and distract you, or you can create an exciting goal for your future and allow that positive objective to pull you through any temporary detour along the way. Remember, no-one can do it for you, and no-one can do it to you. YOU are the creator of your life, and you are responsible for the life you have, as well as the life you're going to have. You can live in regret about the past or enthusiasm about the future - you decide what you want to focus ion. The past is dead, and there's nothing you can do about it, but the future is whatever you decide to make of it! The future is your BEST FRIEND.

So don't allow past hurts and disappointments to pull you back and slow you down. Turn your back on the past, face the future boldly and optimistically, and determine that you won't quit until you make all your dreams come true. It's never too late to start over, and every new day is a new birth of your own, personal future. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish with persistence, enthusiasm, a positive outlook, hard work, and good friends. Most of all, you need a very clear picture of your goals. The clearer and more vividly you can visualize exactly what you want your life to look like, the sooner and the more likely it will become a reality. Paul J. Meyer said, "Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass." Forget about the past - it's dead. Create the future you want.

Robion J. Elliott

Success Lesson in the Snow

Hiking in pristine conditions on Mount Seymour, British Columbia, last weekend, I learned an important lesson. The sun was shining, deep, virgin snow glittering like a million diamonds, incredible views across the ocean. Jonathan Marks was walking with me, and we were discussing risk tolerance. He is an astute, seasoned businessman, and I always enjoy chatting with him. He has lived in South Africa, New Zealand, and now Canada, and has succeeded in numerous businesses. I asked him if I could use his concept and he kindly agreed.

Here's what Jonathan taught me. The context was buying residential properties and having tenants rent them to pay down the mortgage. This is a risky business, since tenants are protected by the socialist laws and often rip the owners off, don't pay, damage the homes, etc. He said, let's assume that statistically, 50% of tenants are very good - they pay, they stay, and they look after the property. the other 50% are the "Tenants from Hell" - they don't pay , they don't stay, and they damage the property. How can we use this scary, imaginary statistic to understand how we can reduce risk over time?

Suppose you get twenty tenants in twenty properties. Ten are good, ten at bad (50%). So you get rid of the ten bad ones and replace them with ten new ones. Now, according to our hypothetical statistic, 50% of these new tenants will be great, and the other five will be bad. So you get rid of five. You now have 15 great tenants! So you get five new ones. Half of them will be great, half will be bad. So you kick the bad ones out and replace them... As you can see, over time, you clean out the muck and keep the good tenants, until all your twenty tenants are great.

This objective understanding can be applied to any business situation, particularly when it comes to employees, team members, and Joint Venture partners. If you build a sales team and half of them are losers, keep on replacing the scavengers and parasites with new people until you have the dream team. Most people quit so easily, it's scary. They try one or two Joint Ventures, they don't work, so they run home crying to their mommies. They join a business and within two months they're whining that it doesn't work. Weak, stupid, lazy, and dishonest people never succeed. Someone once questioned why I "couldn't keep" my sales team members. I don't keep parasites on my team. I told them, "I will keep replacing losers until I end up with a team of winners." It's a selection process. Some will, some won't - so what? NEXT!

In Network Marketing, the same applies. Most don't, some won't, other's can't, no problem. Keep on recruiting and focus on the five percent that will be champions and make you rich, no matter how long it takes - just keep on keeping on UNTIL. Not "IF", but UNTIL. WHEN. Offer people a good chance, give them the benefit of the doubt, allow them to try to prove themselves, and don't take it personally when they can't cut the mustard - just remove and replace. It's a simple sorting process.Persistence and consistence always wins the day - the tortoise and the hare.

Success is by design, not by chance, and the ability to persists over time is the key to real success.

Robin J. Elliott