Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Little Experiment that Means a Great Deal

Sociologists took a group of eighty people and put them together in a cocktail party. Before they were sent into the room, each of 78 people was privately told to only talk about positive things, while two of them were told only to talk about negative things. This exercise was repeated twenty times with different people, and the results are amazing. In each case, without exception, it took on average six minutes before the two negative people hooked up with each other and they continued to talk with each other for the remaining 24 minutes of the experiment.

Like attracts like. Losers love losers and winners won’t tolerate their presence. Birds of the feather flock together. Who are YOU flocking with, and where is that flock heading? Negative people attract other negative people like powerful magnets. Years ago, when I was a manager for Holiday Inns, I was trained to be a certified On-the-Job-Trainer, using Transactional Analysis as one of our tools. One of the terms I will never forget is the one used to describe the communication process between people with a victim mentality: it was called, “Ain’t it awful?” Winners will be talking about their dreams and goals and losers will be talking about accidents, shootings and the bad weather.

Here’s a little experiment for you: Listen to what people are talking about, see whom they’re talking with, and you’ll get a pretty good idea of where they’re headed.

Robin J. Elliott

Mom Comes Home

Women are natural Joint Venture Brokers. They are better than men at multi-tasking. They are also better communicators, more intuitive, less territorial and threatened, and far more social. Women are continually recommending business services, products, and opportunities to other women – why not get well paid for it?

Whether women have children at home or not, working on the phone from a bubble bath or a pool or on the beach or deck is more fun that putting up with office politics, glass ceilings and incompetent bosses, n'est-ce pas? Creating a passive income stream can literally take a few minutes on e-mail or the phone in between a spot of shopping or lunch with friends. When next you tell you girlfriend about that great spa, why not get remunerated for your marketing effort? When you refer your sister to a realtor who sells her a house, you could be pocketing a few thousand dollars in commission.

By creating multiple income streams of passive income, JV Brokers can retire from work and small, high-pressure home-based businesses so that they can spend their time with their children, husbands, friends and pets. Why bow and scrape to some bungling and egotistical boss, fight traffic or endure public transport with the steaming, sweaty herd, and then get home to your second job of keeping the family on track, when you could be trying on that new frock at the boutique? You can JV internationally and that trip to Club Med could be a tax write-off, you know. (Join our DollarMakers Dream Cruise to the Caribbean in November, for example.)

Within one month of meeting Cathi Graham, she earned over $5,000 in JV income from me. And it took her all of three hours. Now it doesn’t always go that fast, but there are no limits on how much you can earn or how fast you can earn it. All with no cost and no risk, very little time, and no selling. Oh, and Cathi will be on the cruise, by the way.

Michelle Bacani-Lim, Marketing Director of the DollarMakers Mom Comes Home Campaign, hosts stimulating, non-threatening Chapter Meetings where women get together to discuss the ways to create multiple cash cows. Women from all income levels and backgrounds attend to network, build relationships and learn how to retire in less than a year through the power of Joint Ventures. Our Workshops can teach you how to retire in one year as a JV Broker. For more information, contact Michelle directly at and ask her for a free e Book.

Visit the website

Robin J. Elliott

Joint Venture Opportunity

Joint Venture with DollarMakers!
If you have access to large databases and organizational ability, you might qualify to host an in-house Joint Venture Broker Bootcamp in your city and earn thousands of dollars. We have three available dates left for 2007. For more information, please contact Robin J. Elliott direct at, with JV Bootcamp Host Request in the subject line.