Monday, August 14, 2006

Click here to see how to change your financial life forever.

This DVD is pure power.

Time and Money Tight?

When people feel debt getting a stranglehold on their throats, they tend to get somewhat emotional. When they’re hiding from creditors, paying their MasterCard with their Visa card and sliding down that slippery slope of “too much month at the end of the money”, they grasp at the odd straw. When downsizing, gas prices, inflation, unexpected expenses, and interest rate hikes squeeze and suffocate them, they cast about for a quick fix. When the light at the end of the financial tunnel appears to be an approaching train, people become gullible, vulnerable, and desperate. Desperate people tend to do desperate things. One doesn’t always make logical choices when the bank manager is nipping at ones heels. Panic usually leads to further losses.

And so people borrow money to gamble, buy “business opportunities” that don’t work, rush to “coaches” and “consultants” whose financial situations are often even more dire than their own, join all sorts of schemes and scams and run after the quick buck. They rush to motivational seminars, sign up for get rich quick schemes and pawn their jewelry. They borrow from Peter to pay Paul and spend too much to make too little. They struggle in the quicksand and sink further down. And then they start blaming everyone else, from their spouses to the weather to George W. Bush. They hide, sulk, smoke, drink, and sink. Then they look for government assistance, the goal and aspiration of every loser. Or they get onto a government sponsored “self employment program” where they hope to learn from business failures how to be winners. But, hey, it pays the bills for a while…

There is a higher way. When you’re sinking in the slime, you need someone on dry land to give to a helping hand. That guy next to you in the same boat may just decide to eat you if dry land seems a distant dream and his tummy is rumbling. When you’re inside the box, you need someone outside the box to get you out. If you want to learn to fish, you should seek out a teacher who can actually fish. When you want a hand up instead of a handout, a sane, successful and sincere mentor is required; not some bureaucrat whose own failure in business qualifies him to teach you how to be a successful entrepreneur.

And where does one find these rescuers, these knights in shining armor who can show us the way to debt free peace of mind and financial independence? Where do you go to get help when you’re teetering on the edge and you’re considering eating the gun so that mommy can get the life insurance and the brats can get blind drunk every weekend at some overpriced college? You won’t get out by getting a job, I’m afraid. Selling time is like selling off your body parts; it’s a finite resource. “How much for my right forearm?” Apart from the fact that there is no more job security, and when you lose this job, it only gets more difficult to get another. A job? that’s what got you into this predicament in the first place! Think about it. (I have always wondered how someone can pay a lot of good money to get an MBA and after learning all that, he gets a job – didn’t he learn that you make money in your own business? But I digress…)
The solution, I believe, is to start earning real money real fast, without cost or risk. And the ONLY way I have found to do that legally is through Joint Ventures. For more information, visit Your situation, background, and track record are irrelevant.

Robin J. Elliott